The hurricane season is in its full swing, and if your area has not been hit by a disaster until now, it is high time to start preparing for the storm. The two main dangers of the season are the instant physical damage caused by the wind, precipitation, and debris and long-term water damage that may backfire even several months after the actual storm causing massive damage to buildings and businesses and health and safety hazards to people who live and work in them.
In this article, we shall talk about the 3 most efficient ways to keep the disaster and water damage that it brings out of your property and protect the most vulnerable parts of your house from instant and long-term damage.
Inspect the roof
Talking about flash and seasonal floods, we always start by checking drainage and gutters and reinforcing the building's foundation. When it comes to the storm season, checking the roof has to be your #1 priority in preparation for the disaster.
Not only can your roof be simply torn off by the storm wind, but several months after the disaster, you may face structural damage as well as mold and leaks that will affect your whole building and require some complicated and pretty costly repairs.
You can inspect and patch up your roof on your own or address a professional who definitely has the necessary tools and skills to dodo the job fast and guarantee that your house is fully prepared for the storm. If you decide to go that way, it is best to book a professional beforehand, of course.
Except for checking the roof before the hurricane, make sure to do a thorough inspection after the disaster passes. That way, you will be able to notice, estimate and repair possible damage before it develops into a potential hazard for the health and safety of the people who live or work in the building.
Protect the windows
Protecting the windows is an essential step in hurricane preparations. Windows might be the most problematic part of any building as they consist of the most fragile and dangerous materials such as glass, wood, or plastic. Once broken by a piece of debris picked up by the wind or under the pressure of the storm itself, a window can damage the interior of your house or business and even injure people who happen to be in the room.
Once you live in an area prone to storms and hurricanes, your house or commercial building probably has in-built window shutters or a special reinforced area, where windows are protected with heavy metal shutters that prevent them from breaking and injuring people inside.
These shutters are a common long-term solution that has already become a part of architectural standards in the regions most prone to hurricanes and storms. However, in most cases, such shutters still won't protect your property from water damage. Moreover, once not maintained properly and regularly throughout the year, they may accumulate moisture, dust, and debris, becoming fruitful soil for mold.
Plywood panels are another most popular solution to protect your windows during a storm. Lightweight and flexible, they are most efficient against the storm and seem to be the cheapest and most straightforward way to protect windows. However, plywood, of course, is a one-time solution, which makes it a good last-minute call, but raises a lot of concerns about its sustainability and real price.
More and more households and businesses today use flood barriers to protect their windows during a storm or hurricane season. Lightweight and adjustable, flood barriers are easy to install and can be fitted to almost any kind of window frame. You don't need any special tools or skills to deploy and remove those flood barriers, and they don't need much storage space. It is particularly important considering the fact that, unlike plywood panels, flood barriers can be used multiple times over many years.
Floodproof the house
Hurricanes and storms go hand-in-hand with flooding and water damage. Heavy rainfall can lead to flooding in your garage or basement or even the ground floor and damage the building itself and everything you keep in the area. If you are planning to wait out the hurricane in your basement, floodproofing the area is particularly important as floodwater can be contaminated with sewers and other substances, becoming a severe health hazard to anyone who comes in touch with it.
Flood barriers appear to be the most versatile solution as they can be used both for protecting your windows and any other door, passage, or gate in your house. You can use a flood barrier to seal the front door and floodproof the basement or storage unit in the house. Use the extension pole and connect several flood barriers together to seal your garage and protect your vehicle and other items you keep there from the danger of water damage.
Do you want to learn more about modern flood control solutions and get regular tips and safety advice for your home and business?
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and contact Dam Easy Flood Barriers today! Our team will gladly answer all your questions and help you choose the most efficient products and solutions that will help you stay safe during a disaster and preserve the value of your property in the face of hurricanes, storms, or floods.
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