Flood safety. How to stay safe during a flooding

Flood safety. How to stay safe during a flooding

6 minute read

The biggest problem with flood safety is the fact that you probably won't have too much information about the approaching disaster and its severity before it actually knocks on your door. In other words, no one can tell you for sure whether to protect your house from massive destructive flooding or just reinforce the building in the face of annual snowmelt or precipitation floods, which may not be as spectacular as flash floods, but can cause even more damage, health, and even life hazards.

That is why in this article, we shall go over the 2 most probable scenarios:

  • you got your warning beforehand and have enough time and resources to protect from flooding;
  • The flooding is already approaching your area, and the time is very limited.

In both cases, the whole purpose of your flood safety measures remains the same: to stay safe and healthy, avoid injuries, health hazards, etc., and protect your property from water damage as much as possible.

However, the approach to flood safety in both cases will be entirely different. In the first case, you may have enough time to research different options and consider various scenarios, from staying in the building and therefore reinforcing it accordingly to evacuating the area after floodproofing the property as much as possible.

In the second case, however, you may be captured by the disaster and have no options to choose from and therefore need to act fast and most rationally to minimize the risk for you and your family as well as your property.

flood safety

How to prepare for a flood beforehand.

Let's say it is the most optimistic scenario. You have heard about the approaching flooding beforehand and have time to rearrange and protect your property and decide whether you are staying in the house or moving to a safer area.

Here are the essential steps to take:

  • Block the doorways, gates, and windows - use flood barriers for home to protect every passage from approaching floodwater. Install flood barriers as window shutters to prevent additional damage and hazards in case wind, or some flying objects break the windows. Use extension poles to connect several flood barriers together and create a 3-foot dike for a wider passage like a garage gate or around any outdoor object like a swimming pool, shed, etc.;
  • Move all the outdoor furniture and equipment inside - not only can they get damaged beyond repair by the floodwater, but such objects can become an additional hazard to your property once caught by the water stream;
  • Protect the vehicles - water damage can be a serious safety hazard for any kind of vehicle. It can damage the electricity system, destroy the tires, and lead to the development of mold and fungus in the upholstery. Make sure to move all vehicles to higher ground or install flood gates to reinforce garage passage and keep water away from your car;
  • Install non-return valves - this simple device prevents floodwater from entering your house through pipes and also keeps rats, frogs, snakes, and other pests from getting into your house during flooding.

These essential flood safety measures will help you to reinforce your property and make it safe during a serious flood and save a great deal of time, money, and energy on flood restoration.

However, we are not always that lucky to learn about the approaching hazard in advance.

How to prepare for flooding if you don't have much time.

Flood safety in the face of flash flooding is all about being the most rational and making decisions that will help you and your family stay safe and minimize the damage while you understand that you probably won't be able to avoid it entirely. In other words, you will definitely suffer from a certain level of water damage and won't be able to secure your property entirely.

Here is what you can do in such a short time:

  • Install the flood barriers - modern flood barriers are extremely easy to install and remove and don't require any additional tools or skills. Even if you don't have time to protect all the doorways, gates, and passages in your house and put flood barriers as window shutters, you can use them to secure a certain area (a basement, garage, or certain room) and use them as a shelter during a flood or store there the most valuable items in case you decided to evacuate;
  • Don't get in contact with floodwater - the #1 flood safety rule is to stay away from the flood water. Even if it looks relatively clean, it can be contaminated with chemicals as well as sewers substances, carry carcasses of small animals a bacteria they contain as well as debris and other objects that can cause injuries, infections, and other health hazards;
  • Avoid driving or walking through flooded areas - if you decide to evacuate and see that you have to cross a flooded area, whether with a car or on foot, it is better to find a way around or return to your location if possible. Floodwater can cover debris and objects that can damage the vehicle or cause injuries. The stream may also be much stronger than you think and make you lose control over your car or swipe you off your feet, causing even a bigger hazard.

flood safety

In the best-case scenario, you will be fully prepared for flooding and have time to research and choose between different flood control solutions making informed decisions about your flood safety and precautions. However, in real life, you will probably have to make hard decisions on the go and look for solutions that will allow you to save as much time and effort as possible while staying most efficient.

Do you want to learn more about modern flood control and ways to stay safe in the face of any flooding? Contact Dam Easy today! 

Together we shall explore all the modern flood control solutions available in your area and help you pick up the devices and solutions that work best precisely for your property and the type of flooding you are most likely to face in the observable future.

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