Flood barriers are a modern and most convenient flood control solution that can be used for all sorts of buildings and constructions. In this article, we shall talk about who can get the most out of using flood barriers for home and business and how they can change your life, career, and business perspectives forever.
Why should everyone protect from floods?
Floods are the most frequent and the most destructive natural disasters in the world. They happen more and more often and sometimes seem to come out of nowhere to areas that have historically been considered floodproof.
Last year Europe was almost wiped off by a massive flood that no one seemed to expect. 2022 has already brought several destructive flooding that has left thousands of people homeless and claimed hundreds of lives.
And while most of us focus on protecting our homes from raging water, floods can be even more destructive and have a bigger impact on your life if they get to business, commercial areas, non-residential buildings.
The recent Pandemic of COVID-19 has demonstrated to us how a whole community may depend on the ability of each, even the smallest business, to open its doors daily and receive customers.
Not only we have suffered greatly without qualified beauty procedures, traditional coffee breaks, and entertainment, but millions of people worldwide have suddenly found themselves unemployed because of the quarantine restrictions.
And while Pandemics like the recent one come once in 100 years, floods can strike the same area several times per year, leaving destruction and devastation behind them.
It means fewer workplaces, fewer services, fewer taxes, and therefore worse living conditions for whole communities.
Not to mention that there are communities worldwide that entirely depend on a specific hospitality or service industry or even one particular business.
Such locations are often located in particularly floodplain areas, vacation grounds, resorts, and whole countries most associated with tourism and vacation.
Those communities live off the vacation season, money that tourists bring every year, staying in hotels, visiting local landmarks, and using the services of local craftspeople and professionals in beauty, healthcare, and other fields.
That is why it is so important to use flood barriers for home and businesses in all kinds of locations that can even slightly be affected by floodwater. It is the safety of the assets, the safety of personnel, and the safety of guests and customers.
In other words, if, until now, you might have considered a flood barrier as a device to protect your home, it is time to take a new perspective and consider getting a flood barrier kit for your business as well.
Doesn't insurance protect me from floods enough?
Many people think that once they get a policy for their property, they can sleep tight, knowing that all the losses will be covered if water strikes unexpectedly.
First of all, standard insurance policies, except for those sold in historically floodplain areas and required by mortgage contacts, usually don`t include flood damage. In fact, most of us don`t even know what exactly our insurance plans cover and tend to assume we took care of everything.
Another important thing to remember is that even if you are covered, the compensations and repairs won`t come magically in a wink of an eye. You may have to face a long and tiresome procedure before you will manage to fix the damage, restore the inventory and open the doors of your business to customers again. Your competitors, at the same time, may get much luckier and lure your regulars away, being able to get back on the market faster than you.
By the way, statistically, almost 40% of businesses affected by 3-foot flooding either find it incredibly hard or even fail entirely to get back on the market after the disaster.
And, of course, safety should also come first. It is your safety, the safety of people who live with you or work for you, the safety of people who use your services. Unexpected flash floods happen more and more often worldwide, claiming hundreds of lives of people who never even thought that the area they live and work in could be flooded.
Not only is it tragic, but it also can lead to massive law cases and destructive suits that will bury your business under an avalanche of fines, payments, procedures, and losses.
In other words, quality flood barriers for home and businesses may be your only tangible insurance that will guarantee the safety and survival of your household or enterprise once the disaster strikes.
Dam Easy offers modern flood barrier kits with extension poles that will allow you to adjust your flood control for any door and passage, protecting them from flooding.
Whether we are talking about standard door passages, garage gates, or any other types of passages, Dam Easy flood Barriers will seal them tightly, keeping floodwater away and protecting your belongings and people who stay or get caught by the flood on your property.
Contact Dam Easy today to learn more about flood barriers for home and businesses as well as other modern flood control devices and solutions that have already saved hundreds of households and businesses from destruction.
Just one phone call or e-mail can guarantee your safety and prosperity for many years!
Empangan Pintu Penghadang Banjir
PINTU DAM EASY® FLOOD BARRIER Banjir menjadi lebih biasa di seluruh dunia. Apa yang pernah menjadi fenomena 100 tahun sekarang adalah trend bermusim yang mesti ditangani oleh pemilik rumah. Itulah sebabnya anda memerlukan Dam Door Flood Barrier Door… Read More