I cannot install flood barriers in my home. What should I do?

I cannot install flood barriers in my home. What should I do?

6 minute read

This week we were going to continue our posting about preparation for the storm season and ways to protect your house and business from damage using flood barriers and other modern solutions.

However, the review that we've received from one of our customers, as well as one of the most frequently asked questions about flood barriers, made us change our plans a bit and focus on a different topic.

Flood barriers are among the most efficient flood control solutions today. Their efficiency has been proven by multiple tests and reviews from professionals as well as regular home and business owners worldwide. However, one question still remains open and seems to come back to us over and over again.

"Are you sure that I will be able to install your flood barrier on my property? I have a rather substandard door/gate/passage there."

In this article, we shall try to answer this question once and for all and provide all the information so you can decide for yourself whether our flood barriers will fit your needs and protect your property efficiently.

Why do we call flood barriers universal?

The very first argument we usually use when people ask what differs flood barriers from most other flood control solutions on the market is that these flood gates are truly universal.

Not only can you adjust their size and fitting according to the measurements of your door, passage, or even garage gate, but practice shows that flood barriers are also the most efficient window protection during the hurricane season. Moreover, in this case, they don't only prevent glass and window frames from shuttering and damaging your property or injuring someone in the room but also prevent water damage - a feature that standard window shutters simply don't have.

But let's go back to the flood barriers` ultimate function, aka, protecting your house from floods. We all know that your flood control solution is only as good as its ability to seal the passage, preventing any sort of leak and dripping.

flood barrier

And that's where customers show the most concern. The main body of a flood barrier is 780mm (~30 inches), which can extend up to 1100mm (~43 inches). But what if your door passage is wider than that? Or what if it is not deep enough to install the flood barrier as the device simply won't have anything to latch on?

Does it mean that, after all, flood gates are not as universal as we want to present them? 

Not at all. Let's talk about the designs, adjustments, and solutions that will allow you to install your flood barriers into any door passage or gate without any complicated tools or special skills needed.

Extension poles

Protecting the main entrance and the back door is important when flooding approaches. But what about your garage or basement? These are often the most vulnerable parts of any building that take the lion's share of water damage. At the same time, your gar, water heater, tools, off-season wardrobe, or important documents - all those precious things are usually stored in garages and basements, becoming the main victims of flooding.

In most cases, the water damage will turn out beyond repair and will cost you a lot of money, time, and energy. For example, statistically, a car may lose up to 30% of its value once it goes through minor flooding, and a water heater has to be replaced by all the safety requirements after contact with flood water.

That is why while protecting your house from flooding, it is essential to pay extra attention to such areas as the garage, basement, shed, or any other area used for storage.

extension poles

The only problem is that all these spaces always have pretty wide gates, way over 43 inches. 

Flood barriers have a solution that will help you protect them from flooding anyway and make sure that your garage, shed, or basement and their contents will remain safe.

Using the extension poles, you can connect several flood barriers together, building a secure dam that will be able to seal any area no matter how big. Using the extension poles, you will not only be able to block the flood water off any gate but even create a secure barrier around a swimming pool, flowerbed, or any other construction or object in your backyard that should be preserved from floodwater.

It is very easy to install the extension pole, and you will only need to drill the floor once to place a metal rod into the hole. This rod will serve as an anchor keeping your extension pole as well as the whole dike intact under the pressure of any type of flooding. Once not used, the extension poles can easily be removed, and[ the hole covered, becoming invisible and safe.

Dam Jam

Another issue we frequently hear about is that many people have their doors running flat with the wall, which means that they simply cannot install a dam easy flood barrier safely. The construction simply has nothing to latch on in this case.

That is why we came up with Dam Jam - the latest development that will help you create the necessary "anchoring" area in your door passage to install and secure your flood barrier in a matter of several minutes.

flood barriers with dam jams

The dam jam can be screwed directly to the wall, as shown in one of our customers` review photos. It has a Velcro layer on the back that seals the unit securely, preventing any leakage or dripping. At the same time, the layer protects the wall itself from damage.

Once not in use, the Dam Jam, as well as your whole Dam Easy flood barriers construction, can be easily removed and stored away until the next flood warning. In case you live in a waterfront area and have a part of your property that should be constantly protected from water, dam easy flood barriers as well as the extension poles and dam jams can be used permanently with just an annual replacement of the replacement seal to make sure that the water won't leak in.

Do you want to know more about flood barriers and different ways to use and install them to protect your property from flooding and water damage?

Contact Dam Easy today and discover the most modern flood control solutions and devices that will guarantee your safety and the security of your belongings in the face of any flooding. 

El dique de contención de inundaciones.

El dique de contención de inundaciones.


Dam easy® para evitar la inundación de la represa.   Las inundaciones son cada vez más frecuentes en todo el mundo.Lo que solía ser un fenómeno centenario se ha convertido en una tendencia estacional que los propietarios deben afrontar.  … Read More

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