Floods in Australia in numbers. Here is what we need to know

Floods in Australia in numbers. Here is what we need to know

4 minute read

October 2022 will probably go into history as one of the wettest months in the history of weather observation in Australia. We have already talked about the speculations that the upcoming floods in Australia will be the most expensive ever, but until several weeks ago, nobody could really tell where, when and how the Australian flood season will strike this time.

However, recently NASA has collected and analysed some crucial data that may not give us an exact forecast on how much the upcoming floods in Australia will cost us, but it at least explains what you should focus on and how to protect your house or business in the upcoming months.

Floods in numbers. What to expect and how to prepare.

So, let's start from the very beginning. As we have already mentioned, the last October might have been the "wettest" Australia has experienced in a very, very long time. 

But the crucial thing is not just how much, but where it was raining so heavily in Australia in October 2022. According to NASA's data, the majority of rainfall got to the Murray-Darling basin. This area is mainly famous for the fact that there are lots of permanent and impermanent rivers and other water bodies. In other words, bring enough rain to this area, and you instantly get not only overflowing rivers where you may expect them but also new unpredictable water streams that may even be more vicious and destructive at some point.

Add to this the fact that the soil itself is already pretty saturated by heavy rainfall, and here you get massive and most dangerous flash floods in New South Wales and Victoria.

Here are some numbers to let you understand the scale of the already happening and upcoming floods in Australia.

-  New South Wales and Victoria got over 50 millimetres of rain (2 inches);

- Forbes, New South Wales, got 118 millimetres (4.6 inches) in 24 hours (!)

And the way this rainfall is affecting rivers and creeks in the area is not even the biggest problem. The worst part is that the soil here gets saturated severely, affecting underground waters and leading to severe erosion that may turn out even more destructive than we can expect right now.

In other words, if until now you were thinking whether floods in Australia are really as epic this year as the media is trying to describe, be sure they a much worse and probably will get worse.

floods in australia

So, what can we do?

The main thing you need to understand is that if floods have not struck your area yet, they definitely will in the observable future. As usual, forewarned is forearmed, and therefore preparing for the upcoming floods in Australia is crucial.

Not only for you and your own household but for the economy in general. It is a chain reaction indeed. Your house or business suffers, it affects your neighbours and so on and so forth. Your whole local community gets struck by the flooding one way or another.

The best way to deal with the threat is to get flood control solutions that will be fast and easy to deploy, won't require any special equipment or skills to instal and are multi-use because once water retreats, it is likely to return shortly after.

Consider ordering flood barriers for home and business. Unlike sandbags, which are most popular in Australia right now, flood gates and flood barriers don't soak water, don't accumulate it and therefore won't lose their efficiency or need any time to "restore" between the floods. Once again, the gap between two disasters may be a matter of several days. Several rainy days.

Another thing to remember is sustainability. Australia has always been famous for its outstanding environmental policies. Flood barriers might be the most sustainable flood control solution on the market today as they are multiuse and don't release any debris or other waste into the environment after being used, installed and removed.

Unlike sandbags and flood bags that we all love and know so well.

flood barriers

Do you want to learn more about modern flood control and ways to protect your house or business from floods this year? Contact Dam Easy today!

Here you will find a team of experts who will help you analyse the flood threat in your area and make informed decisions about flood barriers and other flood control solutions for your home or business.

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate


DAM EASY® FLOOD GATE - DOOR DAM    Floods are becoming more common around the world. What was once a 100-year phenomenon is now a seasonal trend that homeowners must deal with.   That’s EXACTLY why you need this Dam Easy Flood… Read More

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