Different ways to use flood gate you should definitely try

Different ways to use flood gate you should definitely try

5 minute read

A flood gate might be the most popular and efficient way to protect from floodwater. Flood gates come in all scales, shapes, and sizes today. What was originally invented as a massive flood control solution that could protect a whole city or village from floods, control the flow of sewers and adjust irrigation has now been adapted for residential and commercial buildings so you could provide additional protection for your home or business at all times.

Whether you already have a flood gate kit or are only thinking about purchasing one, you probably look at it as a modern, efficient flood control device to save your house or business during the upcoming flood season.

But did you know that flood gate, in fact, has numerous other applications that make it relevant all year round and help your property withstand all sorts of natural disasters, water leaks, and damage?

In this article, we shall talk about several non-standard applications for your flood gates or flood barriers so you can get the most out of your flood protection in the future.

flood gate

Flood barriers are not for doors only!

Thinking about flood barriers, most people imagine how they seal a door passage preventing floodwater from getting into a house. Although it is the most popular and primary application for your flood gate, it is far not the only one.

Except for the house itself, there may be a lot of different objects you need to protect from the destructive power of floodwater. The objects can be severely damaged by the disaster and therefore need some sort of protection. But at the same time, they rarely have any doors to latch on or even sufficient walls to withstand the water flow.

We are talking about swimming pools, flower beds, animal pens, food storage, wooden sheds, etc. All of those will be pretty hard and expensive to restore after the water retreats, and the damage caused by flooding can be way beyond repair. 

It may not be a problem if you have flood insurance, but let`s be fair, those policies may be pretty complex and deceiving, and those who are sure that they are secured often find out that their policy won`t cover particular damage.

A flood gate can be used to protect all sorts of outdoor constructions, even the freestanding ones. Connect several flood gates with extension poles, and you get yourself a steady and robust 3-foot dike that can be placed around any construction, from an outdoor patio and swimming pool to your favorite priceless collection of hortensias.

Flood gates are widely used in storage facilities, commercial buildings, and hospitality businesses - all sorts of areas with non-standard architecture and valuable assets that have to be protected thoroughly against floodwater.

You can install them in elevator shafts, protect electricity rooms, or even windows.

flood gate

Flood gates are better than window shutters.

If you live in a hurricane-probe region, you are no stranger to the dangers and destruction of tropical storms. Moreover, your house and business probably have certain in-built solutions to protect you and your property from it.

You definitely know where to get plywood sheets for the windows and how to install them. While building or renovating your house, you have probably thought about window shutters that will ensure that the whole house or at least one room will be thoroughly protected when the disaster strikes.

Window protection during the hurricane season is crucial as statistically, most of the damage and injuries during and after the disaster happen due to broken glass and elements of a window frame that either fly everywhere picked by the storm wings or cover the whole floor making your every step potentially dangerous. Not to mention damage to the furniture, appliance, and other belongings a broken window can cause you.

Yes, window shutters are extremely efficient. There are all sorts of them, different designs, materials, and types that match any kind of architecture and will provide you maximum protection when the storm approaches.

However, there is one common flaw all window shutters have. Protecting you from the broken glass and debris, they don`t prevent water damage that inevitably comes with tropical storms. In other words, your property may be protected from instant physical damage but remains as vulnerable to leaks, stains, mold, and deformation caused by heavy rainfall.

To provide 100% protection to your house, you can use a flood gate. Perfectly adjustable and lightweight, they can be placed into most standard window frames providing steady protection from glass and debris and preventing any sort o water damage. 

A great way to kill two birds with one stone, even if you don`t expect that your neighborhood will actually get flooded during the upcoming stormy season.

Do you want to learn more about modern flood control and ways to ensure your safety and wellbeing in case of flooding?

Contact Dam Easy today and follow us on your favorite social media. We shall be happy to answer all your questions, provide flood safety tips and help you make informed decisions about flood gates and other flood control products and solutions for your house or business.

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate


DAM EASY® FLOOD GATE - DOOR DAM    Floods are becoming more common around the world. What was once a 100-year phenomenon is now a seasonal trend that homeowners must deal with.   That’s EXACTLY why you need this Dam Easy Flood… Read More

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