Floods are the main reason for property loss and damage today. They are not only the most common natural disaster but also the most expensive worldwide. Living in Scotland, you have a chance to face all sorts of floods, from the seasonal ones caused by heavy rains and snowmelt to unpredictable flash floods that can occur within several hours, not leaving you a chance to prepare a protect your house. That is why it is so important to explore ways to floodproof your property in Scotland to remain ready and protected 24/7.
In this article, we shall explore the 5 secrets to a perfectly floodproof house that have already proven their efficiency in Scotland as well as other flood-prone regions.
1 Know your risks
Scotland is generally known as an extremely flood-prone region due to its landscape and location. However, it is always important to know how much your house or business is at risk of being flooded and how often it can happen.
Living in an apartment in Edinburg, you may feel less concerned about being flooded. However, the city itself is no stranger to floods, especially during a heavy rainy season.
The main risk here occurs for those who live in lower levels and business owners from the particularly lively hospitality and service sectors. In other words, if you are a hotel, shop or restaurant owner in Edinburg, making your business floodproof should be your main priority.
When buying a property in Scotland, do a small research, study the statistics of floods in the area and estimate the risks before you invest your time and money into an extremely flood-prone property.
2 Keep an eye on pipes and sewers
Another secret to a floodproof house in Scotland is keeping constant control of the sewage and pipes as well as draining in your property. The water will not collect around your house and damage it if it has a safe and efficient way to stream away.
At the same time, it is essential to make sure that floodwater and everything it brings won`t have a way to enter your house through the toilet, pipes and water supply system. Invite a certified professional to inspect the plumbing regularly and especially before the flood season.
Consider buying non-return valves for open-end pipes. They will not only secure the pipes from floodwater but also prevent rodents, frogs, snakes, and other vermins get into your house when the flood strikes.
3 Inspect the landscape
In this blog, we have already discussed the importance of levelling your landscape and maintaining it to prevent floodwater from collecting around the foundation of your house.
It is another essential step to floodproof your property as the natural landscape is, in fact, your very first line of defence against floodwater, which is efficient not only against seasonal snowmelt but will also give you some time to prepare and react when a flash flood approaches.
4 Protect the HVAC system
To floodproof your house means preventing damage to the most vulnerable parts. And unfortunately, flooding of a water boiler, heating and other parts of the HVAC system are the most common and the most expensive outcomes of floods in Scotland.
Mae sure to either elevate this equipment, which is traditionally placed in basements or protect the basement itself. A flood barrier is a great option to make sure that your basement passage is sealed and floodwater has no chance to enter the property. You can connect two and more flood barriers using an extension pole and create a reliable dike that will secure any kind of passage from a standard door to a garage gate and basement passage.
5 Inspect and renew your flood control
Are you happy with the flood control methods you have been using until now? Many people rely on good old sandbags since these are the solutions that have been used for generations. And while every home and business owner admits that leaks, as well as the mess they cause during and after flooding, require a lot of time, energy and sometimes money to deal with, they still keep on using them, unaware of other options.
Today`s market offers innovative solutions like flood barriers and floodgates for homes and businesses. Aimed at all sorts of properties, these versatile devices are perfectly adjustable, lightweight and can be installed within several minutes with no need for any special equipment or skills.
Flood barriers can also be used to protect windows during the storm season, which is particularly important for the proud owners of waterfront properties in Scotland.
Do you want to learn more about modern innovative ways to floodproof any property? Contact Dam Easy today and follow us on your favourite Social Media.
Our team of professional consultants will help you pick up the products and solutions that fit your property best and make sure that you will receive your kit within several days, so you will be perfectly safe in the face of another flooding and for many more to come.
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