How to Floodproof a Driveway. A Homeowners` Guide

How to Floodproof a Driveway. A Homeowners` Guide

8 minute read

Every homeowner faces this struggle occasionally. Floodproofing a driveway may not seem too urgent from the beginning, especially when you are moving into a new house and believe that your area is not prone to floods and storms. However, while floods are happening more and more often and stale water causes a lot of damage to the pavement and can simply make it dangerous to drive and walk through (not to mention the aesthetic part), sooner or later you will start wondering how to floodproof a driveway.

Floods are happening more and more often today, and no homeowner in any state can now be sure that a massive flood will not strike this season, damaging their property. By floodproofing your driveway, you do not only protect your house and garage but everything you definitely store in it except for the vehicle. To floodproof a driveway means to floodproof your investment in your property, preserve it, and boost its value.

Here at Dam Easy, we are usually addressed by homeowners who are challenging us with seemingly unusual requests. Floodproofing a driveway is one of them, and we are proud to say that our team has a solution. However, there is definitely no universal recipe that will work equally well for every property.

That is why we decided to come up with this guide that will help homeowners protect their driveways from water damage and make sure that they get the most out of well-tested and modern flood control solutions such as flood gates.

 flooded driveway

Why is it so important to floodproof a driveway?

Indeed, thinking about flood control, we are mainly concerned about preventing water from getting into our houses. So why should you include your drive on the floodproofing bucket list?

So, think about floodproofing a driveway, like giving it a superpower against floods. It's like putting on a raincoat when you know it's going to pour! Here's why it's a big deal:

  • Keeps Your Driveway Safe: Floods can wreck driveways big time. But if you beef up your driveway against floods, using things like stronger materials or lifting it up a bit, you save yourself from a load of repair hassles.
  • Gives Access, Rain or Shine: When floods hit, you still want to get in and out of your place, right? A floodproofed driveway ensures that you can do that without any hiccups. It’s like having a reliable path even when the world seems like it's swimming!
  • Stops the Ground from Washing Away: Floods don't just mess with the surface; they can erode the ground around your driveway, causing all sorts of trouble. Floodproofing helps keep the soil in place, so your driveway stays strong and steady.
  • Protects Nature: Floods can carry all sorts of nasty stuff, and if they seep into the ground, they can mess up the environment. By floodproofing, you're doing your bit to stop these yucky things from spreading around.
  • Following the Rules: Sometimes, the law or your insurance might say you have to floodproof your driveway, especially if you're in a flood-prone area. It's like a safety measure to keep everyone and everything secure.

In short, floodproofing your driveway is like giving it a shield against floods, keeping your property safe, making sure you can get in and out, and doing your part for the environment!


Here is why water damage is dangerous for your driveway

All this sounds pretty logical. But what is the big deal with water damage to a driveway anyway? It is an outdoor area that is supposed to experience the full force of the elements.

Well, here are several things that you may have to deal with if your driveway is flooded regularly. Warning: some of those consequences may be more dangerous and expensive than you think!

  • Cracks and Breaks: Imagine this: water sneaks into tiny cracks in your driveway. When it gets cold, that water freezes and expands, making those cracks bigger. It's like a tiny problem turning into a big headache.
  • Sinking and Unevenness: Too much water can make the ground under your driveway shift. This can make the driveway sink in spots or become all bumpy, making it a bumpy ride for your car.
  • Wearing Down: Just like how water wears down rocks in a river, it can wear down the surface of your driveway. It might start looking rough and worn out over time.
  • Chemical Trouble: Some driveways don't like hanging out with water too much. They can react and break down, kind of like when you mix two things that shouldn't go together.
  • Mold and Other Funky Stuff: If parts of your driveway stay wet, they can grow mold and other gross stuff. It's not just icky; it can mess up how your driveway holds up.

In short, water can be a real pain for driveways, causing cracks, bumps, and all sorts of problems. That's why it's important to keep an eye on water exposure and protect your driveway from too much of it!

 how to floodproof a driveway

How to floodproof a driveway: the essential steps

Floodproofing your driveway will save you a great deal of time, money, and effort when the next seasonal flooding or big storm hits your area. Here is what you can do right now to make sure that your driveway is protected from water damage:

  • Raise It Up: Think of it like giving your driveway a little boost. Raising it higher than the surrounding area can keep floodwater from creeping in. It's like giving your driveway its own little island!
  • Choose smart materials: Pick materials that can handle water like champs. Things like gravel or porous concrete let water seep through instead of causing damage. It’s like having a driveway that knows how to deal with a splash.
  • Add Drains or Channels: Installing drains or making little channels can redirect water away from your driveway. It's like giving the water a detour so it doesn't mess with your driveway.
  • Seal the Cracks: Fill in any cracks like you’re giving your driveway a Band-Aid. By sealing up those little openings, you stop water from sneaking in and causing trouble.
  • Slope It Right: Make sure your driveway slopes away from your home. This way, when it rains, water naturally flows away instead of pooling up.
  • Keep it clean: Clear out debris or leaves that can block drains or channels. You want everything to flow smoothly when the rain starts pouring.

Think of it like giving your driveway a total-babe makeover against floods! These steps can help you keep your driveway safe and sound when the waters rise.


Here is how we can help you

All these essential steps that we have mentioned will help you keep your driveway safe and clear, no matter what kind of surprise climate change has prepared for you. But what if the waters really rise? How can you floodproof a driveway when we are talking about full-fledged 3-foot flooding?

Dam Easy has the exact solution for you! Let us tell you a story about Harry from St. Augustine, FL. Harry was concerned that water damage could ruin his driveway, and floods, which have been happening alarmingly often in his area recently, would eventually destroy and devalue his whole property.

He heard about modern flood barriers and how people say that these seemingly simple solutions do wonders in protecting houses from massive floods. However, he was concerned that flood barriers may not be enough to seal his spacious driveway and provide the exact level of safety he would expect for the money.

So, he reached out to us with his concerns and asked what Dam Easy suggested in his case. Luckily, we have recently deployed several teams all over Florida who visit customers` homes and businesses, helping them make informed decisions about floodproofing their properties.

We came to Harry`s St. Augustine house as well. After doing all the necessary measurements and investigating the flood risk in the area, we suggested that using 4 flood barriers connected with 3 specially designed extension poles will do the job perfectly.

Our certified experts came to Harry`s house with all the necessary equipment installed the base points for the extension poles and showed Harry and his wife how from now on they can deploy their flood barriers within several minutes. He admitted that he was fairly surprised at how easy it was from now on to floodproof a driveway and protect his property from floodwater, even if he had just 10 minutes to do so.

The next big surprise for Harry was how little storage space this anti-flooding system takes when you don`t need it. From now on, Harry can easily floodproof a driveway without any special skills, tools, or physical force. He does not need to do any special preparations or clean the area after the water retreats like it always happens with sandbags.

To floodproof a driveway in many ways means to protect the whole property from flood damage. And it is easy when you have a professional team and modern technology by your side.

If you are also looking for ways to floodproof a driveway and protect your garage, basement, and whole house from floods, contact Dam Easy today. Florida residents can invite our teams to their houses for a thorough evaluation and estimate of the best flood control solutions for them. All other customers can talk to our team 24/7, asking all their questions and getting thorough consultations about flood control that will work in their case.

Contact Dam Easy now and make your future flood-free!

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