5 States with the highest flood risk. Are you prepared?

5 States with the highest flood risk. Are you prepared?

5 minute read

Floods are happening so often today that they have become the most frequent and probable natural disaster worldwide. According to different calculations, up to 3,5 households in the United States are facing a constant flood risk all year round and especially in fall.

While people are most prepared for floods during the spring snowmelt as well as the late summer hurricane and flooding season, fall remains the most flood risk season of the year that costs millions of dollars in losses and damage and claims up to 150 American lives every year.

Thinking about the most flood risk states, most of us immediately remember New Orleans, South Florida, and, of course, the Manhattan part of New York as the most probable victims of the disaster. However, there are five states whose residents live at constant risk of massive flooding. Some of them don't even know about it.

In this article, we shall talk about the 5 most flood risk states and the essential flood control solutions that can help them minimize the danger and losses in case of an inevitable disaster.

5 Georgia

The state of Georgia is located on low-lying land, which means that even a minor increase in precipitation can lead to massive flooding that simply won't have a place to go and, therefore, can cause long-lasting and long-term damage to the state and its residents.

By now, over 28,000 residents of Georgia are almost guaranteed to face massive and destructive flooding at least once in their lifetime. The biggest problem is that with Georgia's landscape, the flooding may not only be long-lasting but also reach up to 3 feet, which makes most home flood control solutions ineffective in this case.

To protect your house of business in Georgia, choose modern Flood Barries and Flood Gates that can be connected with an extension pole., securely seating any gate or passage on your property, or even build a sufficient dike around objects and buildings you need to protect from flooding.

flood risk states

4 Massachusetts

over 52,000 Massachusetts residents live at constant flood risk. Due to the state's landscape and different sorts of water bodies located all over, here you can witness all sorts of floods, from the seasonal slow-raising flooding to destructive flash floods.

In this case, you need a flood control method that is fast and easy to install and can be handled without any special skills, physical force, and tools. Make sure to check out a flood barrier - a lightweight yet robust device that can be installed and removed in a matter of several minutes while made out of lightweight plastic, making it so easy to handle.

3 South Carolina

Since the famous 1989 hurricane Hugo nearly destroyed the Downtown of Charleston, 60,000 residents of the state face constant flood risk, wondering when the disaster will come back and how destructive it will be.

Living in such an area, it is essential to have flood control that will be able to protect your house from damage in various ways. A flood gate is an extremely versatile device that can be used both for sealing your doors, gates, and passages and protecting your windows from storm winds, damage, and flooding.

flood gate

2 New Jersey

Although New Jersey only has 67 square miles of flood risk, over 150,000 people live on the land facing the constant danger of becoming victims of a massive flood.

Living in such a crowded area, it is essential to have a flood barrier or set of flood gates that are always in hand and don't take up much storage space. For example, Dam Easy flood barriers can be packed into a small bag and stored even behind your door or on the top o a cupboard.

1 Florida

You are probably not surprised by the fact that Florida takes leadership in every flood risk rate. However, we would like to pay attention to why it happens and how modern flood control solutions can minimize the danger.

There are several reasons Florida is such a risky area. On the one hand, the local landscape and soul are often described by experts as "Swiss cheese," which makes it merely impossible to build a sufficient permanent flood wall in the state.

At the same time, Miami remains a huge traveling hub and a popular resort that hosts hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world every year. Most of these people are not familiar with the essential flood safety rules and, therefore, often become victims of flooding.

The local hospitality industry has learned to manage flood risk in the area by using flood barriers to protect parking lots as well as electricity rooms, elevator shafts, and stairways to prevent water from getting into the premises and harming guests and property.

The same flood control solutions work perfectly in residential areas, making home flood barriers the #1 flood control product in the #1 flood risk state.

Do you want to learn more about ways to prevent flood risk and protect your house or business? Contact Dam Easy today and get all the answers from qualified experts and a team of experienced flood control providers who will help you make informed decisions and assemble your flood barrier kit according to the measurements and architectural peculiarities of your home or business.

Contact us right now and make sure that the next flood season will stand no chance!

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DamEasy防洪闸门坝 -终极防洪


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