The 5 Reasons you should start preparing for flooding ASAP!

The 5 Reasons you should start preparing for flooding ASAP!

5 minute read

Technically flooding is an overflow of water in any normally dry area. It means that flooding does not really have to be as destructive and spectacular as you see on the news channel to become a real headache for any property owner. A puddle on the floor of your basement after a heavy rainfall or a short snowmelt is also flooding, and it can also cause a lot of damage and inconvenience.

What we are trying to say is that while most people think they are safe from floods and occasional puddles and humid odors here and there in the house are really nothing serious, floods remain the most frequent natural disaster in the world.

Take Australia. This season it is facing floods that the region has not dealt with for over 50 years. Local emergency services are working flat out 24/7/ At the same time, Australian experts say that the region has actually received all the necessary warning signs to start preparing for unprecedented floods in advance.

In fact, there are 5 fundamental signs that tell that your area may be affected by floods in the observable future. Let's go over them and see whether you should already order your flood barrier kit today to save a great deal of time and money this season.

Heavy Rainfall.

The first and probably the most obvious reason for flooding is heavy rainfall. Such abnormal precipitation may be seasonal or entirely unexpected. It is caused by tropical weather disturbances. However, if you don't live anywhere around tropical areas, you should not think that in this case flooding from heavy rainfall will not affect your life.

Just one overnight thunderstorm and a faulty garage gate are enough to flood the floor and damage some of your belongings. And while repair or replacement of the whole garage gate may be a costly and a bit complicated project right now, flood barriers for home will easily seal your property and make sure that the disaster will stay outside.


We all know how important forests are. They are the "lungs" of our planet and ecosystems for numerous animal species. But did you know that your local forest is also a natural flood barrier?

Forest trees have deep and strong root systems that go deep into the ground enforcing the soil and making sure that it will be able to absorb the access of water from rainfall or snowmelt without the risk of turning into a mud river.

So, if you notice that your local first is thinning because of new building development or any other actions, make sure to get yourself a set of flood barriers or other flood control solutions - you may need them soon.


Unethical agriculture practices

This reason is somewhat similar to deforestation. When farmers try to squeeze the maximum out of the soil without giving too much thought to its integrity and long-term condition, the area turns into a ticking time bomb, ready to explode any second.

Exhausted soil acts like the ground in a flower pot that has been neglected for months. Water goes through it without being absorbed. The site itself acts as debris that makes the flood water flow even more destructive.

We often see such floods in China, Pakistan, and other Asian as well as African regions, notorious for their exhaustive and unregulated agricultural practices.

Living in flood plains

Living next to a river or in a coastal area may be your dream, but it also carries significant flood risk.

Such areas are called flood plain and living there can be as challenging as it gets, especially if your region is naturally prone to flooding. It is always best to have efficient flood control solutions on standby in such areas as you may never know what can cause your local river, lake, or even creek to overflow.

If you have a waterfront property, you may want to install flood barriers to make sure that the territory is sealed perfectly at all times. Flood barriers can be used as permanent and temporary solutions. They can be installed and removed in a matter of several minutes and don't need any special skills or equipment for that. That is why flood barriers for homes are the best flood control solution in case you live in flood plains.

Neglect or lack of maintenance in the drainage system

It can be true for the overall drainage system in your area and the drainage in your property. If you notice puddles or stalled water even after regular rain or during the snowmelt period, it is a sign that the drainage system is not capable of processing large amounts of water. And while you can easily fix the problem on your property, it can turn into a disaster on a scale of the whole neighborhood or city.

We advise you not to rely on local authorities or services to take care of everything and somehow protect you from flooding, but take the matter into your hands, be proactive and get flood control solutions for your property before it becomes an issue.

Do you want to learn more about floods, their danger, as well as ways to protect yourself, your business, and your house from water damage? Contact Dam Easy today and follow us on every social media.

We shall gladly answer all your questions, provide flood safety tips and help you make an informed decision about picking flood control solutions for your property!

El dique de contención de inundaciones.

El dique de contención de inundaciones.


Dam easy® para evitar la inundación de la represa.   Las inundaciones son cada vez más frecuentes en todo el mundo.Lo que solía ser un fenómeno centenario se ha convertido en una tendencia estacional que los propietarios deben afrontar.  … Read More

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