How to floodproof a garage. Let's get started!

How to floodproof a garage. Let's get started!

6 minute read

Flooding is the most common natural disaster in the world. And probably the most expensive. Every year, floods and the water damage that comes after them cost Americans millions of hard-earned dollars. So, looking for ways to floodproof a garage is probably the best financial choice you could have made this year.

Let`s be honest, our garages are not only meant for our vehicles (which, by the way, are also vulnerable to floodwater and can suffer greatly from the disaster if your garage gets flooded), but they are also a common storage space. Your tools, off-season clothes, festive decorations, food, and lots of other things can be lost forever or need costly repairs if your garage gets flooded.

And while some states are, of course, less vulnerable to floods, there are locations where flood season is as regular as a sunrise and citizens are probably world-class professionals at floodproofing their properties.

Florida is one of those states. That is why Dam Easy focused attention mainly on this wonderful location when we decided to collect teams of professionals who would travel across the state, helping residents explore and enjoy 100% of modern flood control methods.

So, let`s talk about how to floodproof a garage like a pro.

Here is how to floodproof a garage

So, you are concerned that your garage may get flooded and you will have to deal with water damage and maybe even lose some of your belongings? You are right! Technically, everything floodwater touches can be considered ruined beyond repair simply because you don`t know what kind of bacteria, infections, dirt, and toxins are floating in that yucky water.

Also, once your vehicle gets flooded, it will be really hard to get a good price for it when you decide to put it on the market. What`s that? You are not planning to sell your car. Well, good luck with that, because a vehicle touched by floodwater can become an ultimate money pit. Not to mention the fact that, in some cases, it is simply unsafe to drive.

But if you are reading this article, you probably know all that and want to get to the actual advice on how to floodproof a garage.

So, without further ado, here are the essential steps you will need to take:

  • Lift It Up: Try raising your garage above flood levels using special supports or by elevating it on stilts.
  • Seal Tight: Make sure all doors and windows are sealed really well. You can use flood barriers or shields to block water from getting in.
  • Waterproofing Magic: Apply waterproof coatings to walls and floors. This stops water from seeping through concrete or bricks.
  • Drain It Away: Get a good drainage system, like French drains or sump pumps, to move water away from the garage.
  • Garden Tweaks: Change the landscape around your garage to steer water away. Things like proper grading or building barriers like berms can help.
  • Flood Vents: Install flood vents to balance water pressure inside and outside your garage, preventing damage.
  • Smart Storage: Keep valuable stuff higher up or in waterproof containers. That way, if water gets in, your things will stay safe.
  • Insurance Cover: Consider getting flood insurance because normal policies might not cover flood damage.

It's good to know these strategies might change depending on where you live and the kind of flooding you might expect. Chatting with a pro can give you the best advice for your situation!

how to floodproof a garage

Floodproofing your garage like a pro

Everything we mentioned above is an essential thing to do to make sure that your losses, if not avoided, are minimized after the next notorious Florida flood season hits.

But is there a way to seal your garage gate entirely and make sure that not a drop of dirty floodwater stands a chance?

Theoretically, of course not! We mean, anything can happen, and natural disasters are getting more and more severe, breaking the statistics with every new flood season.

However, there are some practical examples of modern flood control solutions that help Florida homeowners keep their garages safe and sound, like the rest of their properties, in the face of the most severe storms and floods that may hit their hometown.

Flood barriers are among such solutions. In fact, a flood barrier for homes is becoming the most popular anti-flooding solution in a Florida home today. And we should say, those people know their flood control! Property owners today who have to deal with 47 inches of precipitation every year definitely know what they are talking about when they recommend a flood control solution. homes

The main idea of flood barriers is their simplicity and versatility. They can be installed anywhere at any given moment. You will not need any of those fancy tools, complex and costly installation procedures, or any sort of advanced DIY skills or experience to install a flood barrier. In fact, a kid can easily do it!

If you need to floodproof a garage or any other wide gate, you just get several extension poles, connect those flood barriers, and build a robust, unmovable, and unleakable dike whenever and wherever you want.

Those flood barriers have been tested in the US and Europe a lot of times. They went through some crazy, unimaginable scenarios, and every time these seemingly simple blocks of plastic showed the best results compared to traditional sandbags, flood sacks, inflatable dams, and all other possible devices you see in Home Depot today.

In other words, give it a try with flood barriers, and we are sure you will forget about all that jumping through the hoops when you have to install and remove another flood control solution and still deal with clean-up and some water damage to your property.

floodproof a garage

Have any questions? If you live in Florida, we have some good news for you. Dam Easy has certified teams all over the state. Those guys will come to your house directly, help you understand how many flood barriers you may need to protect your house, and floodproof a garage thoroughly.

Worried that the flood barriers won't fit? I got you covered as well! We have special teams who help to seal all those leaks and weak spots all around your house, create foundation aprons, and reinforce passages to let them hold the flood barriers firmly.

If you are still hesitant, we will gladly show you how easy it is to install and remove flood barriers, answer all your questions, and demonstrate the potential of this amazing flood control solution.

Residents of other states can also enjoy the full power of our customer service; they can contact us at any moment and get answers to all their questions. In fact, we are in touch with customers worldwide, and our only goal is to help as many people as possible stay safe in the face of floods.

Contact Dam Easy right now and take your first step to modern flood safety!

El dique de contención de inundaciones.

El dique de contención de inundaciones.


Dam easy® para evitar la inundación de la represa.   Las inundaciones son cada vez más frecuentes en todo el mundo.Lo que solía ser un fenómeno centenario se ha convertido en una tendencia estacional que los propietarios deben afrontar.  … Read More

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