Floodproof your house while you are away on vacation

Floodproof your house while you are away on vacation

4 minute read

What should you do before leaving on vacation? Tell your neighbors or someone you trust that you will be away and leave them the key so they can water the flowers or pick up mail from time to time? Sure! But there is something people often forget to do before going away - floodproof their houses.

Floods are happening more and more often worldwide. In fact, the chances that your house will be affected by water damage while you are away may even be higher than a threat of robbery.

Here are some important tips to help you floodproof your house and make sure that you are returning to a perfectly safe and intact home.

Secure and seal all doors and passages.

To make sure that your house is entirely floodproof, it is essential to floodproof every door, gate, or passage that can welcome floodwater into your house.

Flooding may come from the most unexpected places, from seasonal flash flooding caused by a local river to a sewers malfunction and water pipes collapse. But the result is almost always the same - water damage.

The damage, even from a minor couple-inch flood, may cost you a lot of money in repairs and replacements. Unfortunately, closing the doors will not be enough as floodwater will always find its way in.

The best solution, in this case, is to use flood barriers for the home. They seal and secure every door passage and can easily be adjusted for any size and shape of a door. Connect several flood gates together with an extension pole, and you will gate an ultimate flood barrier that will seal your garage, basement, or any other wider passage, keeping your property dry and safe in case of unexpected flooding.

floodproof your house

Check and clean the gutters.

A flood will come when you least expect it and when you are least prepared for it. So, if you have been postponing the spring clean and neglected your gutters and drainage for some time, make sure to clear them before you leave on vacation. It is the essential step to floodproof your house and make sure that stale water won`t damage the territory around.

Elevate what you can

If flooding comes, the furniture, appliance, and oyer belongings you have on the ground floor, garage, and basement will be its first victims.

Unfortunately, those are often pretty expensive and vulnerable items such as kitchen appliances, water heaters, carpets, and furniture, as well as your car, mower, bike, or any other valuable item.

Make sure to elevate whatever you can to the upper floor. As for kitchen appliances, water heaters, or vehicles, the best way to protect them is to seal the doors and passages with flood barriers.

Ask a friend or neighbor to check on your house from time to time.

They may notice a small leak or water damage before it becomes a huge problem and invite a professional to prevent serious damage.

In case you lived in a flood-prone area and forgot to install your flood gates, your friend can easily do it instead. The installation of flood barriers for home does not require any special skills, tools, or knowledge, it can be done in a matter of several minutes, and your friend will be able to protect your house from an approaching flood at any time. 

In this case, your neighbor may even use your house as a shelter during a flood if they themselves didn`t get their flood carrier kit on time.

Get flood insurance

Most homeowner policies don`t cover flood damage. You need to take care of a special flood insurance policy for your home if you want to be covered in case of flooding while you are away. Just keep in mind that most insurance policies come into action several weeks after purchase. Therefore, you should take care of it beforehand.

Of course, flood insurance does not floodproof your house per see, but it will save you a great deal of money if the flooding arrives while you are away, and you won`t have flood barriers and flood gates in your home to prevent water damage.

Do you want to know how to floodproof your house with the most advanced modern flood control solutions? Contact Dam Easy right now and discover a whole range of solutions and anti-flooding devices for any kind of property and against the most severe flooding.

El dique de contención de inundaciones.

El dique de contención de inundaciones.


Dam easy® para evitar la inundación de la represa.   Las inundaciones son cada vez más frecuentes en todo el mundo.Lo que solía ser un fenómeno centenario se ha convertido en una tendencia estacional que los propietarios deben afrontar.  … Read More

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