The 3 ways a flood barrier will help your business

The 3 ways a flood barrier will help your business

5 minute read

Being a business owner, you might constantly search for new solutions that would help you get ahead of competitors and boost your enterprise this year. But browsing over the innovative marketing and technological solutions approach to draw more attention to the brand, we often forget that all our efforts may go in vain after a strike from mother nature. So, an excellent old flood barrier in a backroom may be crucial for a successful modern business as a social media presence.

In this article, we shall discuss what just one flooding may do to your business and how such a straightforward yet most efficient solution as a modern flood barrier may ensure your success and make competitors bite the dust (or drink floodwater, in our case).

1 - Material losses

The first thing that may come to mind when we talk about losses to a flood event is material losses.

Whether you have a small shop in the city, a workshop in the suburbs or a farm in a rural area, just one flooding may literally wash all your enterprise off the face of the earth.

Every year the business community loses hundreds of millions worth of inventory, life stock, commodities, and other material assets to various natural disasters. And floods are the most frequent among them.

In fact, you don't really need massive 3-foot flooding that will wipe your shop off to become a victim of irreversible water damage. The slight flooding caused by seasonal heavy rains or snowmelt may lead to severe inventory damage in your storage unit or some essential electric appliances and tools that may become unsafe to use after being damaged by floodwater.

Just one flood barrier installed in the passage to the vulnerable garage, basement, or storage unit will initially save you at least thousands of dollars worth of assets if we are talking about a minor flooding and the whole business in general if your area gets struck by a massive flash flood.

flood barrier

Your business probably has insurance, and it lets you sleep tight, knowing that even if the disaster strikes, your losses will be fully restored. However, many business owners don't even know that a standard insurance policy usually does not cover flood damage. Therefore, they live with a false sense of security while the deed of their life is placed under a life-threatening risk.

Any way you look at it, just one flood barrier may save you time, money, and effort. Not to mention lawsuits and lost reputations if we are talking about a hospitality or service business, which means that not only your assets by the belongings of your customers may be destroyed by floods.

That is the main reason in the season of 2022, many hotels and other hospitality enterprises that hope to finally start working at their full power have obtained flood barriers as the primary insurance that the upcoming vacation season won't be marred by flood damage.

2 - Lost documentation

Even in our digital era, people still rely on paper documents, folders, and files. It is especially important for small businesses that often still run all their bookkeeping on paper, storing it in large folders in the backroom for several years. And you never know when you will be audited next time and which recipe or report will save your business from a heavy fine.

Even if you managed to digitalize all your bookkeeping and business operations, your computers, gadgets, and other electric devices always remain vulnerable to floods. 

While a cutting-edge startup from the city may be able to keep all their data in the cloud and enjoy the services of modern CRM solutions, 90% of businesses, especially those located "on the land," still rely on more analog procedures in their business operation.

It is very important to ensure that all your documentation, receipts, reports, and other relevant papers stay intact in case of flooding. There is no better, simpler, and more efficient way to protect your file room or storage than getting a flood barrier and keeping it deployed at all times when the flood season approaches.

3 - Lost opportunities

Last but not least (or maybe even most important of all) are the opportunities, time, and resources you will inevitably lose if your business gets affected by a flood.

Suppose you have the right insurance policy and all your material losses are refunded. You have enough money to make the necessary repairs, replace the damaged equipment, and restock the inventory. 

However, this process will take time. And sometimes, a lot of it. During that time, you will have to keep the doors of your business closed or, in the best-case scenario, continue working but still won't be able to perform 100%.

Believe us, your lucky competitor who might have not got affected by the flooding that much or found a way to cut corners in the restoration process will seize the moment and do their best to leave you and your business far behind.

Maybe you won't carry any initial losses after the flood. Still, the performance of your business, as well as its reputation and ability to gain new customers, will definitely get affected.

Statistically, over 40% of businesses affected by floods cannot go back on the market initially, and most of them shut their doors forever. These numbers have worsened dramatically after the recent Pandemics of COVID-19 breakout, which has almost wiped off whole industries like hospitality, service, etc.

Such a simple device as a modern flood barrier will help you minimize the risk and seize your opportunity to finally take your business on the pre-pandemic level this year or ensure that your newborn enterprise will be a success.

Contact Dam Easy today and learn more about our flood barriers and other modern flood control solutions for all types of businesses and households.

Make sure that your business is safe and protected from floods, and this year will become the new chapter of your success and development. 

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate


DAM EASY® FLOOD GATE - DOOR DAM    Floods are becoming more common around the world. What was once a 100-year phenomenon is now a seasonal trend that homeowners must deal with.   That’s EXACTLY why you need this Dam Easy Flood… Read More

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