Protect your car from flooding!

Protect your car from flooding!

6 minute read

Water damage can cause you a lot of trouble. Not only it can lead to potentially costly repairs, but it will significantly devalue your property once you decide to put it on the market. Taking about water damage caused by floods, people often mean real estate. However, furniture, clothes, books, and other belongings can also get damaged by water beyond recognition. However, when it comes to a vehicle, water damage can make it incredibly dangerous to drive. That is why it is so essential to protect your car from flooding!

This article shall talk about the potential dangers of water damage to your vehicle and the most efficient ways to isolate your car, protecting it from a flood, heavy rainfall, and other water-related disasters.

car from flooding

Why is water damage dangerous for a car?

First of all, any modern vehicle contains a lot of electric systems and devices. From the basic lighting system to complicated computers, there are yards and tards of electric wires sending impulses endlessly throughout your car every time you start the engine.

Once those electric systems get in touch with water, there is a considerable risk of shorting that will impact all essential techniques in the car, blocking them or making them responsive. 

Even if the shorting didn't happen immediately, electric systems that are affected by water might start glitching long after the flood, when you may not even connect the two events.

Another reason to protect your car from flooding is the effect water damage can have on the exterior and interior of the vehicle. Mold and rust may not become visible immediately. Moreover, when you notice some funny smell or stains on the car, it may be already too late as the water damage has "eaten" the materials from inside out.

Since there is nothing to do with rusted, rotten parts or those affected by mold but replace them, water damage can be incredibly costly for a vehicle owner.

Moreover, all those long-term consequences can be dangerous for your health. Some types of mold are particularly hazardous for people with respiratory diseases or skin sensitivities. That is why if you are suffering from any chronic conditions or transport children in a car that once has been flooded, there is a strong chance that you are putting your and their health at risk without even know it.

car from flooding

What to do if my car got flooded?

The worst thing about a flooded car is that once water gets inside the vehicle, it is tough to get rid of it. However, you should do your best to move a car to a dry area as soon as possible.

Here are the essential steps to take to prevent severe water damage:

  • Get the car checked by a professional mechanic as soon as possible. Only an expert can detect some peculiar water impact on the car's electric system that can lead to long-term consequences;
  • Take out all the removable parts that have been affected by water. Car carpets, seat covers, etc. should be dried out thoroughly before (and if) you can use them again;
  • Dry out the vehicle. Open all the doors of the car and provide thorough ventilation. Use a blow dryer to speed up the process and go through hard-to-get areas under the seats. You can also use absorbent materials such as baking soda to ensure that the water will be "pulled" out of every crack and fold of the car.

The sooner you take care of your vehicle, the higher are the chances to prevent significant water damage and its severe effects.

How to protect a car from flooding?

Prophylactics are always more accessible and cheaper than treatment. That is why once you manage to seal the vehicle properly and protect it from flooding, there is a strong chance that you will avoid most of the headache that comes with it.

Here are the essential tips that will help you protect your car from water damage:

  • Check the doors, windows, sunroofs, and other "passages" regularly. Those are the primary ways for floodwater to get into your car from any direction. Once the seals and rubbers start cracking and crumbling, replace them a soon as possible;
  • Never drive through water. Once you find yourself in a flooded area, it is better to avoid going through water, even if it seems shallow. First of all, you may not know what kind of pitfalls and obstacles may lie under it. Moreover, the water may suddenly rise due to intense flooding or another car moving next to you and get into the engine or salon. And, of course, even driving through a shallow puddle, you impact the undercarriage and may not notice the damage before it is too late;
  • Disconnect the battery. Once you receive a flood warning, make sure to disconnect your car's battery and take it out of the vehicle. That way, you guarantee to prevent damage to the electric systems.
  • Try to park on high ground. If you usually park the gar in a garage or your neighborhood is located in a flood area, it is best to move the vehicle to the high ground before the disaster strikes.
  • Floodproof the garage. Blocking garage from floodwater is pretty complicated as the gate is usually quite broad, and garages tend to be located on lower grounds becoming flood traps for vehicles. However, flood barriers with extension poles are a perfect solution that will help you seal the garage perfectly and protect your car as long as other belongings are stored there from water damage.

Contact Dam Easy today and learn about our flood barriers and other innovative solutions that will help you protect all your belongings from water damage. Out flood barriers are easy to install and remove and can be adjusted for any passage, sealing it perfectly.

We are happy to answer all your questions, create a personalized kit of flood barriers precisely according to your measurements and deliver it worldwide in just a few days, so you can stay safe during any flood from now on!

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