2021 has already deserved a title of "Flood Year." Floods are happening worldwide. Moreover, in 2021, they are particularly destructive and unexpected. Regions unfamiliar with the disaster get struck by the most insidious flash floods and don't have sufficient anti-flooding solutions. Urban areas of Europe, the recent floods in Mexico, and the latest floods in Spain show that the disaster from now on strikes primarily in places that expect it least.
However, it is not a reason to panic. Every natural disaster, including a flood, happens for a reason. Let's try to understand what caused the recent floods in Spain and see how we can predict similar disasters and protect our houses in the future.
What caused the Spanish floods?
According to the data from the State Meteorological Agency (AMET), a 4-inch rainfall has hit a town called Torrevieja. Such massive precipitation is not common for the area. Eventually, the rainfall has ended in a massive flash flood in Catalonia that has damaged numerous buildings and wiped cars off rods, causing massive losses for the local authorities, businesses, and residents.
The threat of flooding led to the evacuation of Dama de Grammar School located in Vega Baja del Segura as local authorities, as well as residents, knew that the school was not properly prepared for flooding.
The same was true for all municipal, commercial and residential buildings in the area. Most of them were not designed or prepared to withstand such a serious flood.
However, experts point out that disasters like the recent floods in Spain may hit the region more and more often in the observable future.
Alicante has already gone through one of the most destructive floods last August. That flooding, like the one that hit Catalonia in October 2021, was caused by a rare meteorological phenomenon called "Meteotsunami."
However, the fact that this phenomenon strikes the same region for the second time during only several months may point out that "Meteotsunami" may become a pretty ordinary event in Spain that will make the area particularly flood-prone.
What is Meteotsunami, and why does it happen?
Meteotsunami happens due to a sudden significant change of atmospheric pressure. It forces the tide to recede quickly and be suppressed by a massive tsunami-like wave of air and then to hit back, causing massive rainfall and storm.
Technically it is exactly what happens during a "classic" oceanic tsunami, but this event happens in the sky, forcing large masses of water to move, collapse, condense and fall on the ground.
Meteotsunamis are pretty rare and therefore considered unpredictable events. Until now, meteorologists simply didn't follow them that closely. However, the fact that two Meteotsunamis (or "rissagas" as they are called in Spain) happen one after another may be tangible evidence that climate change is more impactful than we might have imagined until now.
What is happening today?
Today Spain is among those countries who had to learn from their mistakes and adopt anti-flooding solutions quickly before a new disaster strikes, causing more severe losses and damage.
One of the primary problems during the recent Floods in Spain was the fact that many police and emergency vehicles got flooded. It has significantly limited the efficiency of emergency services during rescue operations and put the lives of thousands of people at risk.
Today the authorities recognize the danger and search for innovative anti-flooding solutions for different types of buildings, including garages, public buildings, community centers, schools, and hospitals.
In case of emergency, those buildings are supposed to become safe places, places where people can hide from flooding and feel secure. Today the situation is the opposite, and many buildings appear death traps rather than safe spaces in case of emergency.
Discovering innovative solutions such as flood barriers private home and business owners as well as local authorities can easily prepare even for a flash flood and minimize losses from an unexpected disaster.
Dam Easy flood barriers are easy to deploy. They don't require any special equipment or skills during installation. After the water retreats, you can easily remove a flood barrier and store it compactly.
Flood barriers serve efficiently as protective gates that can seal your garage or basement and prevent water from getting in and damaging your car, appliance, or other belongings.
Contact Dam Easy today and learn about our flood barriers and numerous other modern anti-flooding solutions that will help you prepare for the next flood and stay safe been in the face of an unexpected disaster.
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