With the progressing global warming and climate change, you don't have to live next to big water to experience serious and pretty destructive floods once in a while. Any lake or creek can suddenly turn into a stream of raging water.
However, many people still remain pretty ignorant about the true nature of floods, their consequences, and effective ways to protect themselves from the disaster. In many cases, lack of information is the only reason why people become victims of this natural disaster, losing to it much more than they would have if only they knew what they are dealing with.
In this article, we decided to enlist 10 facts about floods that everyone should know to be prepared for their approach and consequences.
#1 – Floods are the most common natural disasters in the world.
Floods can happen at any time of the year, during day and night at on any landscape. Also, as we already mentioned, even a small creek or a peaceful-looking lake may suddenly become a source f serious flooding.
Considering this unpredictable timing and locations and statistics of property damage, casualties, and deaths, floods appear to be the most common natural disasters known to mankind.
#2 – Floods are an integral part of any ecosystem development
Although incredibly destructive and dangerous, floods are nature`s mechanism to release and spread large amounts of water, feeding, developing, and restoring ecosystems of floodplains – areas surrounding any water bodies.
That is why incompetent and too rushed anti-flooding solution often lead to ecological disasters, droughts, famine, and disappearance of whole animal and plant species.
Whether you are searching for an anti-flooding solution for your property, neighborhood, or town, it is crucial to address qualified experts and invest into innovative solutions such as temporary or removable flood-barriers.
#3 – Anti-flooding solutions save more than $30 bln each year
While some home and business owners are still unsure about the necessity of investing in anti-flooding solutions for their properties, statistics speak out loud.
Considering the costs and maintenance of various flood barriers, flood doors and other solutions, and comparing them to usual material damage from the disaster, local economies already save billions each year thanks to the fact that more and more private owners prefer to play safe and take anti-flooding measures even if they don`t live in traditionally flood-prone regions.
#4 – Over the past 50 years, the frequency of floods increased dramatically
In about half a century, humanity experienced 20% more floods than previous years' statistics. As long as climate change progresses exponentially, experts predict a 40-45% increase in flood frequency during the XXI century.
#5 – Damage from floods doubled during the first two decades of the XXI century
If by the end of 2010, damage from floods and other water-related disasters were somewhere around $5 bln, by the end of 2020, official statistics showed that floods cost people almost $10 bln per 10 years.
Floods destroy local economies, cause massive recessions, material losses, and unemployment. Protecting your house or business from floods is your national duty and contribution to the wellbeing of your local community.
#6 – Your property is most0likely to be destroyed by flooding
Statistically, the average homeowner has 1 out of 4 chances, 25%, to suffer from flooding. For comparison, the fire threat is around 20%, and other natural disasters come as low as 10% for an average property.
Of course, the statistics depend on the area you live in and the type of your property. However, most insurance companies admit the at least 20% of insurance claims they get are related to natural floodings.
#7 - Almost 20% of the world`s urban zones are located in flood-prone areas.
You may think that flooding is something relevant for rural areas only. However, almost 20% of the world`s cities and urban zones belong to mostly flood-probe areas. It means that if your house or business is located in a big city, you have 1 out of 5 chances to become a victim of flooding.
Therefore, flood barriers and other anti-flooding solutions are relevant for city dwellers for upstate homes and business owners.
#8 – Flood barriers provide at least $5 profit for each dollar invested.
Home and business owners that chose floor barriers as their primarily anti-flood solution save themselves and taxpayers lots of money on the material damage and the need to clean and restore their properties after the disaster.
In other words, quality flood barriers are an investment in property value that pays off and even brings considerable profit after first use. Because, unlike sandbags, flood barriers are multi-use and versatile devices, the surplus reaches hundreds of thousands for each property owner.
Want to learn more about innovative and most-efficient flood barriers? Contact Dam Easy Flood Barriers today! Our professional experts will help you make an informed decision about the anti-flood solution most efficient for your property and arrange and deliver personalized flood barrier kit shortly and efficiently.
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DAM EASY® FLOOD GATE - DOOR DAM Floods are becoming more common around the world. What was once a 100-year phenomenon is now a seasonal trend that homeowners must deal with. That’s EXACTLY why you need this Dam Easy Flood… Read More