5 ways floods affect your wellbeing

5 ways floods affect your wellbeing

5 minute read

Statistically, floods are the most frequent natural disasters in the world today. In other words, there is a strong chance you will have to face a major flooding one day and have to deal with its consequences. In case you think that your property is immune to flooding because they are located in historically "dry" urban areas, think again!

floods in manila

According to the latest statistics provided by NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program), 1 in 4 buildings in the United States has already faced major water damage or is about to become flooded.

It means that there is a 25% chance you are already suffering from the consequences of flooding or should prepare for the disaster as soon as possible and plan how you are going to deal with water damage.

But what are the effects of floods? Most of us instantly think about pealed-off wall paint and wallpapers, ruined furniture and rags, and spoilt floors. Those are indeed the most common results of serious flooding. However, the problem may be even wider and you may already suffer from consequences of flooding that might have happened long before you moved into the building.

In this article, we shall discuss the 5 most crucial effects of floods and how you can prevent them from protecting your house or business from water damage.

What is flooding?

To understand the dangers and consequences of floods, we should understand what we are talking about exactly. While most people imagine roaring flows or raging water that wipes everything off their way, floods are much more sophisticated than we think.

Floods can come from above and below the ground. Be loud and massive and quiet and seemingly harmless. Water can raise because of massive rainfall or snowmelt. But floods can also happen due to exhaustion of drainage and sewage systems, as a side-effect of wildfires or large-scale technical accidents like dike breaches.

Floods can happen in a matter of several minutes leaving you no time to protect your house. Water can rise slowly and gradually overnight without you even knowing that your garage or basement is already flooded.

Therefore talking about floods we shall mean all sorts of water damage and their consequences.

How floods affect your lives

Talking about the impact of water damage and its consequences, we can divide the topic into several parts:

  • Property damage
  • Financial losses
  • Health effects
  • Fatal and tragic consequences
  • Emotional hardship

Now let`s go over each title and try to understand how to minimize the damage

Flood property damage

Almost 90% of damage caused by any natural disaster is actually water damage. Floods as well as heavy rainfall, typhoons, and storms mostly destroy our belongings with water.

Furniture and appliance, clothes and accessories, and, of course, buildings themselves mostly get damaged by water in case of emergency. And we don't necessarily talk about massive up-to-the-roof flooding. 

Installing a flood barrier, which is easy to deploy and remove in a matter of several minutes is not only relevant for a flood warning. You can fit it ours in case of an upcoming storm, snow blizzard, or any other natural disaster. You may be surprised how much trouble this precaution will save you.

Financial losses caused by floods

Not so many people understand that floods happen more and more often becoming one of the key reasons for economic recessions. 

They destroy small businesses making them lose their inventory and equipment, force people out of their houses, and make local services spend millions dealing with consequences.

However, if each household or private business takes responsibility and adopts efficient anti-flooding solutions like flood barriers, they ease the burden on the economy greatly, preserving their consuming power and ability to provide quality goods, services, and workplaces.

Health effects of floods` consequences

If you think that once you managed to dry out the house after the flood, you are done, think twice. Floods have pretty severe long-term health consequences that can affect you years after the event.

Here are only some of them:

  • Mold and fungus developing in the building`s structure
  • Sanitary contaminations
  • Pathogens, bacteria, and insects that breed happily ever after the flood in every crack of the building

Above all, there may occur damage to the electricity system, ventilation, and the building`s structure that can occur years after the flood and lead to severe health and safety hazards.

Fatal and tragic consequences of floods

Death is always the worst consequence of any event that we can imagine. unfortunately, according to the statistics, floods are the #1 nature-related killer today. The data includes people as well as pets, livestock, and wild animals.

After-flood emotional hardship.

Experts claim that those "lucky" survivals of any potentially fatal event are most vulnerable to depressions and other post-traumatic disorders.

People who went through floods often develop phobias and panic attacks. Even minor flooding that might not be life-threatening can become a reason for numerous insecurities, nightmares, and depression caused by feeling unsafe in your own house.

Preventing the effects of floods

The easiest way to deal with a problem is to prevent it. And while most anti-flooding solutions such as sandbagging, dikes, installation of special doors and windows in your house of changing the landscape can be extremely complicated and expensive, there is a simple yet efficient solution.

Temporary flood barriers are easy to install and remove, they don`t need much storage space and can serve you for many years without any need to repair, replace or upgrade.

Their efficiency is proven by numerous tests and reviews of people from all over the world.

Contact Dam Easy today and learn about our flood barriers and other efficient anti-flooding solutions that will help you prevent flooding of your house or business so you will never have to deal with its consequences. 

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate


DAM EASY® FLOOD GATE - DOOR DAM    Floods are becoming more common around the world. What was once a 100-year phenomenon is now a seasonal trend that homeowners must deal with.   That’s EXACTLY why you need this Dam Easy Flood… Read More

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