8 ways to instantly floodproof your house!

8 ways to instantly floodproof your house!

6 minute read

Water damage is one of the most common problems for property owners. It is always the most common (and most expensive) reason why your home loses value, requires expensive repairs, or can even become dangerous to you and anyone who enters it. That is why it is vital to find floodproof solutions for your house that really work!

Water damage can occur both inside and outside the home.

The most common reasons for this problem are:


-faulty drainage;

-clogged toilet or sewer line;

-broken water heater;

-leaky faucets, etc.

This article contains important floodproof tips for every homeowner to help prevent water damage to their property, whether you live in a private home or flat, in a dry or flood-prone area.

1 - Check sinks and drains regularly and do not ignore leaks

Every time you clean a kitchen or bathroom sink or drain, take a closer look and inspect them thoroughly. Any physical damage and accumulation of grease, hair, and dirt can become reason for them to leak and cause severe water damage.

Using modern chemical products is the most convenient and easiest way to clean and floodproof your sinks and drains. However, you should be very careful with them. Some of these chemicals are quite strong and can severely damage your drains and pipes if they are old or made of plastic.

A perfect, efficient, and safe solution is to clean your drains at least once a month with a drain snake. It does not require any special skills and works perfectly.

2 - Pay attention to household appliances

Certain household appliances are often the cause of water damage in your home:

Refrigerator - Ice makers or cold drink dispensers inside your refrigerator can cause water damage to the floor or walls. These systems have rubber or silicone tubes that can crack over time or from mechanical damage. Check them from time to time and replace them as soon as you notice signs of wear;

Water heaters - the most common cause of water damage and mold in the basement or attack. Check your water heater for leaks, soot stains, or water buildup;

Air conditioners often cause water damage to exterior walls that can spread deep into the building structure if not taken care of in a timely manner. The problem occurs especially in hot summer months when the system AC works overtime.

3 - Turn off the water if you leave the house for more than a day

Most water damage occurs during vacations and holiday periods when people leave their homes for several days or even weeks. Even the smallest leak left unattended for a few days can result in massive water damage and costly repairs.

house floodproof

If you are going away for a family reunion, a business trip, or a short holiday for more than 24 hours, you should turn off the water, it is another way to make sure that the house is floodproof.

4 - Invest in water detectors

Just like a smoke or fire detector, this small device will instantly notify you of a leak or flood in your home, even if you are not home at the time.

Modern water and flood detectors are integrated into a smart home ecosystem, connecting to your smartphone and sending push notifications as soon as the problem occurs.

water damage

5 - Check the windows

Heavy rains and high winds can quickly penetrate your home and cause severe water damage if your windows are not properly secured, their frames are cracked, or the glass is not tight in the frame.

It's important to thoroughly inspect your windows twice a year - in the fall before the heavy rains and storms, and in the spring before the snow melts. For the same reason, try to avoid snow and ice buildup on your windows and frames in the winter.

6 - Track your water bills closely

Do you know exactly how much water your household uses each month? Many people pay their bills without paying attention to the numbers. However, they may indicate a major leak in the system before the water damage becomes apparent.

Go over your water bills carefully. If you notice that water usage is increasing sharply or gradually, you may have a leak. Call in a qualified plumber to check the system and find and fix the problem before massive water damage occurs.

7 - Floodproof from outside

Taking care of your outdoor space can help you avoid indoor water damage. Get rid of leaves and debris that have accumulated around the house, and clear snow at least three feet away from the walls of the house. This will help prevent water buildup and flooding on your property.

If possible, minimize paving or other hard surfaces on your property. This will prevent water from seeping into the ground and causing flooding and water damage.

8 - Clean out gutters and drains

Clogged gutters are the most common cause of water damage to walls and roofs. Poor drainage is another reason for water to get trapped on your property and cause severe damage. Water will always find a way out. It can even penetrate right through the walls of your home if you give it enough time and neglect the problem long enough.

Bonus tip - get your flood barriers kit!

As we mentioned earlier, water damage can occur inside and outside your home. Flooding is the most common cause of severe and sometimes irreversible water damage.

When flooding strikes, the only way to minimize or avoid the consequences of this most common natural disaster is to keep the water away from your home.

By investing in flood barriers, you can protect your home, basement, garage, or any other property from flooding and the inevitable water damage that comes with it. A flood barrier is easy to install and remove; it requires no special skills or equipment and takes up very little storage space.

It is a reliable and sustainable multipurpose floodproof solution that will protect you and your home from flooding for many years to come.

Contact Dam Easy today to learn about our flood barriers and other solutions that can help you prevent water damage, save a lot of energy, time, and money, and maintain the value of your property.

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Φράγμα πόρτας φραγμού πλημμύρας


DAM EASY® FLOOD BARRIER ΠΟΡΤΑ ΦΡΑΓΜΑ   Οι πλημμύρες γίνονται πιο συχνές σε όλο τον κόσμο. Αυτό που κάποτε ήταν ένα φαινόμενο 100 ετών είναι τώρα μια εποχική τάση που πρέπει να αντιμετωπίσουν οι ιδιοκτήτες σπιτιού.   Γι 'αυτό ακριβώς… Read More

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