Hardly there is anything more frustrating for any homeowner than dealing with floods and their consequences. Water damage can destroy your belongings, affect the value of your house and lead to long-term safety and health issues caused by the development of mold, bacteria, and the attraction of insects and pests. That is why it is so necessary to floodproof your house.
But do you really need to invest in all those flood barriers for homes, flood gates, renovation, and other costly flood control solutions? What if the area you live in right now has not seen any significant floods for over 100 years? Would not floodproofing be just a waste of money, time, and energy in this case?
To help you make informed decisions and take the exact measures that will work for your property, we shall talk about the 5 signs that you need to floodproof your house as soon as possible and the solutions that will help you save a great deal of money and nerves on flood control.
Humid smell and puddles in the basement
Most people think that it is normal to notice wet stains or even puddles in the basement and that every basement normally has that "humid" smell that gets stuck to everything you may keep or store there.
In fact, those are the first signs that you need to floodproof your house and start doing it as soon as possible.
Floods and water damage occur not only to those massive water streams you might have seen in the movies or news reports. Minor seasonal floods that occur every fall or spring and sometimes in the middle of every season due to snow melt and massive rainfall can be even more dangerous than flash flooding from the local river.
It is because, in the letter case, you will probably take the flooding seriously and take the necessary measures to floodproof the house before the disaster strikes. Minor puddles are usually ignored and left as they are. Eventually, it leads to the development of mold and cracks in the building's foundation and walls.
Make sure to have flood barriers or flood gates in your basement and seal the passages as soon as the weather changes may bring some extra water to your property.
Visible mold in the house
Visible mold is another reason to think about floodproofing your house. If you notice those black dots or spots on the walls in the basement, garage, or ground floor, it is a sign that moisture is getting inside your house regularly and creates perfect conditions for its development.
Every homeowner knows that mold may be extremely unaesthetic and hard to get rid of. Moreover, it can be a reason for the development or sharpening of allergies and respiratory diseases, skin conditions, and other health problems. Not to mention all the furniture, clothes, and other belongings that can be damaged beyond repair.
Bowed walls
Did you notice that your walls are "bending"? The wallpaper may deform, the pattern looks different, and the texture of the wall itself is gritty and uneven.
Those are all the signs that the walls are absorbing moisture and probably carry some severe water damage already. It might have happened due to puddles from snowmelt that got into the house last spring or a leaking roof. The problem may have occurred in the basement or garage. But the result is always the same, your house is being water-damaged without your knowledge, and you are probably facing a pretty expensive restoration already.
Cracked or warped doors
You may have noticed that the doors behave weirdly from time to time. Sometimes they seem heavy and hard to open and close, make weird sounds and look deformed.
It is another sign of severe water damage to your house, which means that you should floodproof the base and ground floor as soon as possible. The water may get inside without your knowledge. The puddles dried out, so you don't even see it happening, but excessive moisture will get absorbed into spongy textures and materials such as wood, cardboard, plywood, etc., causing their damage and deformation.
Insect issues
You probably never thought that the seasonal increase of bugs in your house is a sign that you need to floodproof it as soon as possible. Indeed, every property gets bugs from time to time. Sometimes those invasions are seasonal and pass naturally as the wind changes and temperatures drop or rise.
But if you notice that bugs are a year-round issue in your house, you are probably already facing severe water damage that needs your immediate attention. Humidity attracts all sorts of pests and especially insects. If water is leaking in your basement, attic, or ground floor walls regularly, your house may become a Noah's Ark for all sorts of insects.
What to do if you notice those signs in your house?
First of all, don't panic. The fact that you have noticed an issue is already halfway to its solution.
Now make sure to inspect the whole building and detect all the cracks and leaks as well as "weak spots" such as passages, doors, and gates that are likely to welcome floodwater into your house.
Contact Dam Easy to learn more about modern flood control solutions for all sorts of properties, including flood barriers for homes, flood gates for garages and basements, as well as extension poles that help to connect several flood barriers and create a dike around any object on your property.
Contact Dam Easy now and follow us on any social media to get regular updates, tips, and expert advice about modern flood control and flood safety.
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