How can I floodproof my home? Prepare for the flood season.

How can I floodproof my home? Prepare for the flood season.

4 minute read

The flood season is approaching. More and more homes and business owners are starting to wonder again how they can floodproof their property.

Whether you had to repair water damage from the last-year floods or your wish to floodproof your house is inspired by the news and forecast about floods from the past year, floodproofing your property is not just a matter of comfort but a guarantee of your safety and a chance to minimize losses if the disaster knocks your door.

In this article, we have collected the most efficient and popular tips on how you can floodproof any business and make sure that you will avoid water damage and the losses that it causes.

The most effective ways to floodproof your house and make it safe during the flood season

  • Electricity - make sure to raise all the electrical sockets and switches higher than the estimated flood level could be. It will minimize the threat of electric shock - one of the most frequent causes of death and trauma during floods;
  • Floors and carpets - if you live in a flood zone, you may want to consider replacing wooden floors with waterproof concrete and other materials. As for the carpets, they are the main reason for water damage and its long-term consequences like mold development. Make sure to remove them from the rooms that may get flooded;
  • Doors - wooden doors will absorb water, and probably you will have to replace them after flooding. Consider easy0release mechanisms that will allow you to remove doors and store them safely if needed;
  • Seal all the cracks and leakage - it is essential to find and seal all the cracks and leakage to floodproof the building;
  • Landscaping - consider addressing a professional who will adjust the landscaping of your property to drive water off the building that you need to floodproof;
  • Home flood barrier - a modern flood gate is a versatile solution that can help you seal any passage securely and floodproof the building thoroughly.

floodproof my home

The cheapest ways to floodproof your home

It is pretty natural that you may want to look for the most budget=friendly ways to floodproof your home, considering the overall home maintenance spending you carry during the year.

Here are the cheapest and most simple ways to protect your house from flooding on a dime.

  • Protect wooden skirting boards - varnish all the wooden elements to minimize water damage and help them withstand flooding better;
  • Install valves on drains and pipes - non-return valves will help you avoid the most annoying and damaging side effect of flooding: sewage overflow;
  • Arrange the space - make sure to rearrange your belongings so that it will be easy to protect the most vulnerable things and prevent water damage. Shelves, hooks, and wall niches will help you pick us the wooden, fabric, and electric items and place their safety;
  • Protect valuables at all times - flood may come unexpectedly, and it is essential that the most important documents, passports, cash, and other belongings most vulnerable to water damage are placed in plastic bags and stored safely. The same is true for jewelry and other valuables that are likely to be lost in case of flooding;
  • Flood barriers - some may argue that flood barriers are hardly a cheap anti-flooding solution, but if you look at the big picture, you will have to spend more money on annual sandbagging and other archaic solutions than on a set of Flood gates that will serve you for many years. With a flood barrier home and all its contents are sealed from water damage and all its costly consequences.

The upcoming flood season may appear one of the most destructive in history. The earlier you get down to floodproofing your property, the more chances you have to get away with water damage, preserve your belongings, and avoid devastating losses that leave millions of people homeless and unemployed every year. 

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DamEasy防洪闸门坝 -终极防洪


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Easy right now and learn more about flood barriers and other innovative solutions that will help you floodproof your house or business this year and for many more to come.

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