Flood Survival Checklist The rules that save lives

Flood Survival Checklist The rules that save lives

5 minute read

Since floods happen more and more often worldwide and become more severe, it is best to start preparing for the disaster wherever you live. The World Health Organization has collected data about flood survival cases and prepared a list of rules that may save your life in the face of disaster.

We have read all those rules carefully and added some information from our own experience and stories of our clients to help you get prepared beforehand and face flooding or any other disaster fully prepared.

Following those simple rules may not only save your life one day but can help you protect your property and minimize losses to the flood or storm.

Know the warnings and follow the instructions.

Although there are common practices for warning about upcoming flooding and preparing the community for possible evacuation, some of them may be pretty specific and restricted considering your local infrastructure, frequency of flood, preparedness, and other factors. Sometimes you may get SMS messages, listen to radio announcements, or even hear air-rai sirens.

It is essential to know and make sure that all your family members know exactly how the announcement about the upcoming flood is made in your area, how floods are defined, and how much time you have after the announcement to take action and move to a safe place.

Water maintenance.

While talking about flood survival most of us think about sandbagging, flood barriers, and other flood control solutions, the ultimate flood survival guides claim that the majority of complications or even deaths happen after the initial flood strike.

It is essential to be careful around water. Make sure to have enough clean water for food and hygiene purposes for all the family members for a prolonged period. Once you run out of supplies never use the flood water if you don`t have the means to boil and filter it properly.

Don't try to walk through flooded areas or swim through. It is best that you don`t touch the water at all or make sure that you have the means to disinfect after direct contact with floodwater that can carry chemical and biological contaminants, pathogens, and other dangers.

Maintenance of water-damaged food and belongings

It is better to get rid of all the belongings that got in contact with floodwater. The electric appliance can be damaged and become dangerous to use after any contact with moisture. Make sure to get a professional assessment before you try to use any of it.

Clothing can get contaminated with flood water and develop dangerous molds that will affect your health and damage the previously clean items once they get in contact with them.

As for any food or drinks, flood survival guides strongly recommend against eating or drinking anything that got in contact with the floodwater even if it seems to be clean or may have been stored in a closed container. Floodwater may carry chemicals and sewer contaminants as well as bacteria, which are not visible to the naked eye but can cause severe damage in the long term.

flood survival

Clean the house thoroughly

Flood survival does not end as soon as the water retreats. Cleaning your house and belongings after flooding is an essential part of overcoming the disaster and its consequences.

Throw out any items that cannot be washed and cleaned with bleach, such as pillows and mattresses. Clean all walls, floors, and other surfaces with soap and water, as well as bleach. 

Adress professional cleaning services if needed. If you used sandbags to protect your house, it is best to get rid of the remaining sand as soon as possible as it will easily become an incubator for bacteria and mold that can damage your property. If you are using flood barriers, simply remove them and store them in a convenient place.

Protect against mosquitos and other insects

Mosquitos and other insects are another common and hazardous outcome of flooding and humidity. Expect for being extremely unpleasant, those uninvited guests tend to damage the buildings and belongings and even spread or cause multiple diseases. 

Make sure to protect your house from insects by cleaning and drying all the affected areas carefully and using repellents. Store them safely and use them according to instructions.

Protect the house

Floods are happening more and more often. The fact that flooding came to your region only means that this event can repeat soon. Therefore it is essential to prepare beforehand and get flood barriers for your house or business, make sure that you and your family members know how to use them and store them in a safe accessible places.

Do you want to learn more about flood control and flood survival rules?

Contact Dam Easy today and follow us on social media. Together we shall explore the market of flood barriers and other modern anti-flooding solutions and help you make informed decisions about the devices and tools that will fit your house or business most!

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DamEasy防洪闸门坝 -终极防洪


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