Winter storm - how to prepare, survive and restore

Winter storm - how to prepare, survive and restore

6 minute read

Winter storm - one of the most dangerous, destructive, and unfortunately underestimated natural disasters of the season. This year residents of the United States had to learn it in the hardest way possible.

Despite the romantic visions of a snow blizzard raging outside while you sit next to a fireplace drinking cacao, a winter storm is an extremely unpredictable event that brings extreme cold, freezing rain, sleet, heavy snowfall, ice, and high winds. 

It means that your house can easily be damaged, and you may find yourself exposed to the most extreme and long-lasting weather conditions possible.

The death toll caused by winter storms in the United States has already exceeded the mark of 40. Unfortunately, weather experts are predicting another wave of extreme weather, particularly in the California area, which means that the number of victims and costs of damage will probably continue growing.

In this article, we shall talk about the basic precautions you should take as soon as you receive a warning about a probable winter storm in your area, survival tips during the disaster, and the first steps to take after extreme weather retreats.

winter storm

Winter storm warning - what to expect

There are two essential warnings about the upcoming extreme weather to listen for before the winter storms:

  • BLIZZARD WARNING - this warning means that you should expect extreme and sustainable wind gusts that may exceed 35 miles per hour and extremely low visibility due to thick blowing snow;
  • Winter storm OUTLOOK - extreme winter weather conditions are expected in your area within the next 3-5 days. You should follow the media updates and stay tuned for further alerts and instructions;
  • Winter storm OUTLOOK - a winter storm is about to arrive within the next 48 hours. Time to make the last preparations and make sure that your shelter is secure and sealed;
  • Winter storm WARNING - these are severe and potentially life-threatening winter conditions that are about to cover your area within the next 24 hours.

How to prepare for a winter storm?

Here are the essential things to do as soon as you hear about the possibility of a winter storm in your area:

  • Focus on staying warm - it is an essential survival matter during extreme winter conditions. No matter how big your food, water, and medication storage is, making sure that you and your family members stay warm during the winter storm should be your #1 priority;
  • Keep the warmth inside - make sure that heat will not be leaking out of your house or that snow and icy rain have no way to enter the building. Check and renew all the insulation if necessary. Install flood barriers on all the passages (and windows) to block out drafts and leaks;
  • Monitor the temperature constantly - you may not notice that your house is losing heat until it is too late. Make sure to get a thermometer or thermostat that will allow you to monitor and adjust the temperature all the time;
  • Warm fluids - make sure to drink a lot of fluids to regulate body temperature. However, avoid alcohol and caffeine - these substances force our cardiovascular system to work overtime and lose heat instead of balancing it;
  • Dress properly - even inside the house, make sure to keep your nose, ears, cheeks, chin, fingers, and toes covered. Those are the parts most vulnerable to frosting;
  • Have a plan B - think about where you can go and transfer your family if your house gets too cold. Think of the closes shelter, school, public library, hospital, etc., and plan how you will safely get there in advance.

Surviving a winter storm - what to do when the disaster strikes

The better you prepare for the winter storm, the easier it will be for you and your family to get over it safely. However, it is essential to keep several survival tips in mind in any case:

  • Warm up safely - heaters are usually the #1 hazard inside the house during the winter storm. Make sure to observe all the fire safety rules, don't use a broken or questionable heater, place it at a safe distance from flammable materials and never leave it unsupervised;
  • Avoid open fire - weather to warm up to "set the mood," avoid open fire during a winter storm in your house. Use electric flashlights and heaters to lighten the room and warn up;
  • Watch out for carbon monoxide poisoning - so common back in the day, carbon monoxide poisoning is another common hazard during a winter storm, especially if the extreme weather damages power lines. Don't try to cook on an open fire at home or bring caping grills and other devices into the house. As soon as you or someone in the house feels dizzy, weak, or sick, make sure to let fresh air in, as those are the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning.

How to stay safe and restore your house after a winter storm.

When the extreme weather retreats, we all feel the urge to get outside, breathe some fresh air, check on neighbors or evaluate the damage to our properties. However, make sure to keep those safety tips in mind:

  • Leave the flood barriers in their place for a while - don't remove the flood barriers that you used to seal your house with for a while. As soon as the temperature rises, you will face pretty massive flooding. Since the weather is most unpredictable at the moment, you don't know when exactly a winter storm will turn into a destructive flood;
  • Keep away from electricity - the damaged power lines are extremely dangerous as they can electrocute you;
  • Don't overwork yourself - although it is best to remove the snow as soon as possible to prevent massive water damage, the job is harder than it seems at first sight. Take regular breaks and invite someone to help you to avoid trauma and fatigue;
  • Use ice-melting products and solutions - it is essential to get rid of ice as soon as possible. Use salt, special chemical solutions, or any other available means to remove the ice built up and fervent flooding;
  • Look for safer options - if your house is damaged severely, it is better to look for safer places to stay until you restore your property. 

Those are only the basic survival tips, but they can save your life if you don't neglect the warning and stick to the instructions.

Do you want to know more about flood safety and the precautions you can take to stay safe during any natural disaster? Contact Dam Easy and follow us on social media for regular tips and updates. Make sure to purchase your flood barriers kit as well to ensure the safety of your house or business in the face of any natural disaster!

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