Prepare for a Cyclone. Don`t let Gabrielle take you down!

Prepare for a Cyclone. Don`t let Gabrielle take you down!

5 minute read

With another Cyclone making headlines not only in Australia but worldwide, it is more important than ever to stay prepared for extreme weather even if your area is not on the threat map right now.

The weather is becoming more and more unpredictable and severe worldwide. Floods are claiming lives and causing enormous damage. Storms break economies and cyclones leave thousands without roofs over their heads.

The coastline between Exmouth and Broome is one of the most cyclone-prone in Australia, and still, residents and especially tourists seem to get caught by another storm in shock and surprise.

In this article, we shall talk about the nature of modern cyclones and what makes them so dangerous. We shall also try to help you prepare for another disaster and protect your house or business from the upcoming storms, floods and the damage they cause.

Not all cyclones are created equal.

The first thing you should know is that not all cyclones are meant to be life-threatening or can cause massive destruction.

The Australian coastline is hit by various cyclones several times per year, and most of them pass unnoticed or lose their garage before hitting the ground and therefore turn out not more threatening than usual rain.

However, any rain can turn into massive flooding and a dangerous storm surge.

Knowing the difference between different cyclones and seeing symptoms that can turn them into grave danger is the key to safety.

Let's talk about how you can stay alert and get prepared for the upcoming cyclone.

cyclone gabrielle

Prepare for the cyclone.

Every preparation starts with a thorough plan. And when it comes to cyclone preparedness, your plan should involve the following vital aspects:

  • where will you shelter
  • how will you reinforce your shelter
  • how you will get to your shelter safely.

Let's go through every stage.

Prepare your house for the cyclone.

It is essential to prepare your house for the cyclone whether you are planning to stay home during the storm or not. Remember that the bad weather will pass, and you will have to go back to your place. The better you prepare your house, the less damage you will have to deal with and the easier it will be to get back to normal life.

Here is your pre-cyclone to-do list:

  • Check your home, contents and car insurance cover are in order
  • Identify which room is the strongest part of the house in case you need to take shelter and protect it with flood barriers, plywood panels and other additional measures
  • Know where and how to turn off the mains supply for water, electricity and gas
  • Purchase emergency equipment such as containers to store drinking water, extra fuel supplies, wide masking tape for windows, hessian bags for sandbags
  • Install Flood Barriers, Flood sacks, sandbag dikes or any other flood control equipment of your choice at every passage of the house including basement and garage doors.

If you are expecting massive flooding in your area, you may need to take some additional measures such as:

  • Store all chemicals and poisons well above ground level.
  • Identify items that you will want to raise if floodwaters threaten your home.
  • Consider alternatives to carpet floor coverings.
  • Relocate electricity sockets and power points to well above floor level.

Whether you are planning to take shelter in the house or move to a safer area during the storm, make sure to

  • Check the roof and repair loose tiles, eaves and screws.
  • Check for rust, corrosion and general wear and tear.
  • Clean gutters and downpipes. 
  • Trim trees and overhanging branches.
  • Secure loose items that could cause damage in high winds.
  • Consider fitting windows with shutters or metal screens, or use flood barriers on the windows for added protection during high winds.

Things to pack in your emergency kit during a cyclone

here are the essential things you need to prepare before the cyclone whether you are planning to stay home or move to a shelter:

  • Portable, battery-operated AM/FM radio with spare batteries
  • Waterproof torch with extra batteries or a wind-up torch that doesn’t need batteries
  • A complete first-aid kit
  • Bottled drinking water and non-perishable food items, can opener and cutlery
  • Protective clothing, such as sturdy footwear, gloves and protective goggles/glasses
  • A waterproof bag containing important documents like passports, identification, insurance documents and prescriptions
  • Cash
  • Toiletries and sanitary supplies.

In case you plan or have to leave your house eventually, make sure to grab these things:

  • Wallet
  • Special medical supplies or equipment
  • Phone and laptop with charger
  • House and car keys
  • Pets and supplies (food, bowl, cage, leash, etc.)

Do you want to learn more about cyclone preparedness and ways to protect your property from floods, storms and water damage?

Contact Dam Easy today! Our team will answer all your questions and help you make informed decisions about flood control and protection for your house or business.

Find us on social media for more!

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