Floods are happening more and more often worldwide. And just like any other business, your hotel can suffer from a flood severely.
It is also important to mention that hotels are normally located in a flood-prone zone as those are coastal areas and lands surrounding lakes, rivers, and other water bodies. They are simply much more attractive to tourists.
In other words, hotels may be even more vulnerable to floods than any other business.
Let's be fair; the flood will happen anyway, whether you prepare for it or not. You will probably have to deal with water damage and other consequences of the disaster, and it is up to you whether to get modern flood control and avoid most of the losses or hope for the best during the next flood season.
But there is one important thing that will, in many ways, decide the fate of your hotel during the flood, whether you are prepared for it or not. It is how you manage the business in the face of a disaster.
Obviously, you will have to take some anti-crisis steps, make hard decisions, and troubleshoot as the situation develops.
In this article, we shall discuss how to manage your hotel during the flood season to minimize the risks and damage and make sure that your personnel, guests, and the business itself will stay safe when the big water comes.
Safety first!
Safety management is essential during the flood season. As soon as you get a flood warning, make sure to post the information on your hotel`s website and inform the guests who have booked during the estimated flooding or might have already arrived at the hotel.
Yes, there may be cancellations (and probably will be). Still, these losses are nothing compared to the damage made to your business by lawsuits and bad publicity if someone gets injured or dies during the flood, unaware of the upcoming danger.
Another essential thing to do to ensure safety during a flood is to equip your hotel with efficient flood control devices such as flood gates and flood barriers. They are easy to install and maintain. It will take just a brief training session and a few minutes to ensure that every staff member can secure every passage and prevent floodwater from getting into the premises.
By the way, it is a great idea to offer empty rooms in your hotel as shelters for people forced to evacuate due to the flood. That way, you will manage to turn the cancellations into good publicity for your business.
Marketing strategy during a flood season
You will probably want to revise your hotel's marketing tactics during the flood season. It will be unwise to waste money on PPC campaigns and social media advertising that will attract people during the dangerous season and will only add your personnel some work and stress when they have to deal with cancellations and scared guests.
Instead, make sure to focus on the existing bookings and boost up your e-mail marketing. Inform regulars and pre-paid guests about the situation, and offer discounts and perks for further bookings. Inform local authorities and the community that you will be offering accommodation to those who suffered from floods if you decide to do so.
The money you will save on your marketing campaign during the flood should better be repurposed for buying flood gates and barriers and spreading the word about how your hotel takes advanced measures to ensure people`s safety during the flood.
Go social
While you will probably pause your social media advertising during the flood season, it is essential to keep your posting up and stay in touch with your followers and regulars.
Posting as much as possible about the situation will let people know that your business is active and takes measures to protect from the disaster. It will also be useful when the water retreats, and you need to attract the guests for the new season. Many people simply assume that you are still repairing and therefore avoid a booking. Your social media activity will keep them informed.
Keep track of damage a file an insurance claim.
As soon as the flood starts, make sure to keep track of all damage to the building, property including vehicles, equipment, etc., and the business in general.
Your policy probably covers loss of income as well as direct physical damage to the premises. However, it is essential to make sure that your insurance covers flooding events before the disaster strikes.
After-flood management
The faster you manage to do all the necessary repairs and clean the place up after the water retreats, the sooner you will get back in business and catch up on income this season.
Once you use modern flood control like flood gates and flood barriers to seal your property, the clean-up process will not take much time and effort, but it is still essential to manage the process thoroughly to make it most efficient.
Do you want to learn more about modern ways to protect and manage your hotel during a flood? Contact Dam Easy today and discover modern flood control devices and solutions and get a thorough estimate of the exact products you will need for your hotel to literally keep it afloat when the next flood comes.
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