The flood season is right around the corner, and it is high time you started taking flood control seriously. So, what do you choose, good old sandbags or flood barriers for home?
Today flooding can strike you anywhere. Whether you live in a floodplain area or in the middle of a big city, your home may get flooded this year. Over 200,000 houses in London and almost 90% of households in the United States are said to be vulnerable to flooding this season.
Of course, your choice of flood control solution will depend on many factors, from the chance of becoming a victim of flooding this season to the size of your property and your budget.
However, there are several factors that are common for all sorts of buildings and homeowners.
These factors are:
- Efficiency;
- Maintenance;
- Sustainability.
Let's look at sandbags and flood barriers for home from this perspective and see which of the most popular anti-flooding solutions will work best for you this season.
Going for the well-tested flood control
It is pretty natural that choose a flood control solution for your home; you probably want to choose well-tested methods that have proven their efficiency worldwide.
And at first sight, sandbags seem like a win-win situation. Hardly you can come up with any other device that would be more famous and tested worldwide.
Throughout centuries sandbags have proven themselves:
- Easy to use;
- Cheap;
- Pretty efficient as the first line of defense against flooding.
Does it make sandbags those "good-old and well-tested" anti-flooding solution, giving them an advantage over flood barriers for home?
Not really! Despite the fact that flood barriers for home seem like a novelty, especially if you only recently started to explore flood control solutions, they have already proved their efficiency worldwide.
For example, Dam Easy Flood Barriers are widely used in Asia, in regions historically vulnerable to seasonal floods due to heavy rainfall and storms.
They have also been tested by several independent labs that have acknowledged the efficiency of flood barriers for homes and businesses.
So, if you are choosing sandbags over flood barriers for home, thinking that they are more reliable and reputable compared to the relatively new product, you may want to think twice as flood barriers have righteously proven their credibility in practice.
What else do you expect from your flood control?
Let's agree that sandbags and flood barriers are equally well-tested anti-flooding products. How do you make a decision then?
There are other factors that you may want to consider protecting your home or business from the disaster:
- Maintenance. It is very important how fast and easy you can deploy your flood control. Especially if we talk about spring floods which are often the so-called Flas Floods, Flash floods can form and strike in a matter of several minutes. They won't leave you too much time for preparing, installing, and testing your flood control. And at this point, you may know that it would take you some time and effort to build an efficient sand bad dike. At the same time, you can install a flood barrier in a matter of several minutes and won't need anybody's help, professional or physical assistance to do so;
- Sustainability. There are 2 reasons why it is important to consider multi-use flood control products. The first one is the environmental factor. Unlike sandbags, flood barriers are ultimately zero-waste flood control solutions that can be used for many years without the need for replacement. Another is, of course, financial. While sandbagging seems like the cheapest method to protect your house from floods, it may turn out more expensive over several years if you live in a floodplain area and have to invest in flood control annually. Not to mention that sandbag dike can still fail and won't prevent a certain level of water damage to your house that will also cost you money.
It is important to consider as many factors as possible choosing between sandbags and flood barriers for home or business. After all, we are talking about your safety and safety and wellbeing of your whole family. And while sandbags are indeed a well-tested method that has a reputation of an extremely reliable and credible first line of defense against flooding, flood barriers instantly become the first and the only line of defense you may need at all.
They seal every passage, door, or gate in the house and make the building floodproof, preserving the floors, furniture, and your belongings.
Using flood barriers, you may avoid the need to evacuate from your house in case of flooding or have peace of mind if you have to leave on a weekend getaway or a long trip during the flood season.
Do you still have any questions about modern flood control solutions? Contact Dam Easy today and learn more about flood barriers for home as well as other modern solutions that will help you minimize the risk of water damage and keep you and your family safe during the upcoming flood season.
作为重型和凌乱沙袋的一个很好的替代品,这个屏障提供了第一道防线,防止水进入你家的门窗。当洪水发生时,快速行动的能力至关重要。此防洪屏障可在 5 分钟内安装,为您提供可靠的防洪保护!
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