Flash flood - everything you need to know!

Flash flood - everything you need to know!

6 minute read

A whole series of floods are taking place around the world today. Most of them come as a complete surprise and therefore represent a devastating disaster for the population, scientists and rescue services. Therefore, flash flood warnings are becoming increasingly important, and every citizen needs to know where to get the necessary information and how to interpret it.

flash flood

Why are floods becoming more dangerous?

Floods are caused by a number of factors:

  • Slow-moving or frontal hurricanes caused by temperature changes;
  • Tropical cyclones that move inland;
  • Heavy rainfall

The main danger with these events is that they can easily lead to what are known as flash floods, floods that can turn a seemingly peaceful lowland body of water such as a lake or small river into a raging torrent.

Since all lowland waters are connected by a complicated system of streams and rivers, you may live near a flood hazard all your life and not recognize the danger

Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between different flash flood warnings, interpret the information, and take timely action.

Let us go over the different warnings you may receive as disaster approaches to help you develop a clear and effective action plan.

What are flash flood warnings?

A flash flood warning is technically similar to a tornado warning. It is issued to inform residents, emergency responders, local officials, and all cooperating organizations, including volunteers, that developing weather conditions are likely to result in flash flooding.

Flash floods (or rapid flooding) are the most dangerous because they are considered the most unpredictable. Therefore, even if the flash flood warning does not specify an exact time or even the likelihood of impending flooding, you should take action immediately upon receiving the warning by installing your flood barriers, moving to a safer location, and making sure all family members and most valuable possessions are organized and arranged accordingly

Living in an area prone to flash floods and dam breaks warrants prompt action. Flash flood watches are often issued in such locations, and the threat of a dam break can exacerbate the situation, making it even more crucial to take action without delay.

What are flash flood warnings?

Flash flood warnings are issued by the National Weather Service when it looks like a flash flood is about to occur. It's usually given after at least 6 hours of heavy rain or when local rivers and streams go above their designated flood line.

A flash flood watch means that flooding is likely to occur in your area. A flash flood warning indicates that a flood has already started and you should take immediate action or evacuate. A flash flood is a sudden and rapid flooding of an area, usually in a river or stream. It can happen when water flows into an area faster than it can drain out again, such as after heavy rainfall.

A flood barrier can help prevent damage to your home that would otherwise be caused by extreme water levels. It is highly efficient against even the strongest streams, but it also installs quickly—in just a few minutes!

Areal Flooding Warnings and Flas Flood warnings - what is the difference?

Many people get confused about the difference between these two types of flood warnings and what they should do in response. Flash floods and riverine flooding are different events that require different preparations—although they can happen in the same region, you must be ready to act differently depending on which one is approaching your town or city.

  • Areal flooding - this type of flooding is more graduate. It happens after a prolonged rainfall that may not be particularly intense. However, uninterrupted for several hours or even days, it can eventually lead to overflow of local lakes, rivers, and their connection through local streams and greeks, turning into a massive flood. Although areal flood technically gives you more time to prepare for the disaster, it does not mean that they are less destructive or dangerous. In fact, damage from such floods often occurs much higher as people tend to neglect areal flood warnings;

  • Flash flooding - this type of flooding usually happens within 6 hours due to heavy rainfall, dam break, or other intense fast-moving events. Flash flood warnings leave you not more than several hours to protect your family and property from the disaster.

Are flood warnings and flood advisories the same?

Flood advisories and flash flood warnings can be hard to tell apart, especially if you've never received them before.

Unlike a flood warning, flood advisories are issued to warn people that specific areas and especially roads can get flooded due to heavy rainfall or any other event, especially roads can get flooded, causing certain dangers to those on the road.

Flood warnings, although not issuing imminent danger of major damage to property or infrastructure, do alert drivers that they are entering flooded areas. Flooded roads and low visibility are common causes for accidents when driving in such conditions.

Also, if such advisories are being issued regularly in your area, and your property is located in a low-land district, those floods can cause certain danger to the underground structure of your building, leading to foundation cracks, development of mold, etc.

In this case, you must protect your basement or garage with a flood gate - the only anti0-flooding solution that can easily be installed and adjusted for any door and passage without having to make any serious preparations or changing the building`s structure.

They install quickly and easily, preserving the beauty of your home's exterior. They also keep water out of your basement or garage by sealing all potential entry points. They are made of high-quality materials and come with a warranty, so you can be sure that they will protect your home from water damage for many years to come. You may have heard of other types of flood doors, but these are not as effective as garage door flooding panels. They only cover part of the opening and do not provide complete protection against floods.

Contact Dam Easy today and learn about flood carriers and other innovative solutions against all sorts of floods.

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