Climate change and floods in Europe.

Climate change and floods in Europe.

6 minute read

Many people remain pretty skeptical when someone starts talking about climate change. Indeed, from a seriously concerning matter, it seems to turn into one of those "weather talks" that can last for hours but don't really end up in anything. However, the dramatically increasing number of floods in Europe and their severity may be a sign that this region is the one that suffers from climate change the most, even if it is not always that obvious.

The biggest problem with the talks about climate change is that the numbers that scientists and activists usually announce don't look that impressive and dramatic for a regular European city dweller. A couple of degrees of temperature decrease in a decade, a centimeter or two of water rise, and slowly melting snow caps seem extremely far from the spectacular catastrophes shown in Hollywood movies. So why bother?

At the same time, the recent floods in Europe and numerous forecasts that predict that the situation will only worsen in the upcoming years, the losses local communities and businesses have already suffered, and the risks they still have to face, don't really leave too much space for maneuvering. It is time to talk about climate change in Europe and try to understand why the insignificant 2 cm rise of the world's ocean leads to devastating floods and hundreds of lost lives every year.

Does climate really change that much?

Many people admit that they don't really believe in climate change or those horrific consequences that are so widely discussed today. However, modern people are actually witnessing the tremendous temperature rise, complain about it permanently, and suffer from it while still not making any connection between their everyday life and those clickbait social media posts of environmental activists.

When was the last time you complained that the weather in winter was not the way it was in your childhood? When could you be absolutely sure to plan the family vacation so that you won't get caught in the rain or, vice versa, suffer from scorching heat going to the same camping site every year?

At the same time, do you remember those horrible floods in Europe happening so often when you were a kid? And in the 2020s, they happen almost every season, becoming more and more destructive.

In other words, we all notice climate change, and it affects everyone's life whether we like it or not. 

But why did Europe become a center of everyone's attention and an epicenter of floods and other natural disasters during the past several years?

floods in europe

Why has Europe become the center of climate change?

Scientists claim that there are several reasons for Europe to become the perfect place for the development of climate change and its consequences.

The first one is, of course, the region's industrial development. Since the Industrial Revolution has determined the course of history in the region for centuries, it is only recently that the European community started to seriously consider the consequences of such dynamic development and ways to deal with its sub-products. 

Imagine that you have been taking the garbage out of your house for a reason, and then suddenly, a new law or a massive strike of city employees forces you to leave all the garbage on your property. With time you will definitely learn to recycle and cycle, discover the methods and benefits of composting, etc. But in the beginning, you will definitely have to live in a smelly mess.

Technically it is exactly what has been happening to Europe during the past several decades. Overseas regions that have been gladly accepting industrial and other waste from developed industrial regions are now acting in their own ecological interests and canceling the deals. At the same time, the European community, which is used to living comfortably, and having access to various products, services, and technological advancements, keep the demand on the same level, while the supply and further "clean up" stages have to go through tremendous changes.

Of course, with time, Europe will learn to deal with its carbon footprint, waste, and overconsumption, but in the meantime, the damage is done. Temperatures in Europe have increased almost twice during the past 30 years, and this process is already irreversible.

Another reason climate change and floods in Europe have become such a painful topic is the region's geography. At the same time, most of the terrain is continental, aka, solid. It gets warm faster than regions with a lot of water bodies.

Moreover, Europe is mainly located in the high northern latitudes, which are the fastest to warm up now. TheseThese areas also border with ice caps and permafrost, which leads to melting and, as a result, floods in Europe.

floods in europe

So, what can Europeans do?

Good question. You mainly expect another lecture on reducing carbon footprint, zero-waste lifestyle, etc. But the problem is that, as we have already said, the damage is done, and while it is essential to introduce and support eco-friendly practices to prevent worsening, there is a big chance that we all shall witness another flood in Europe in the observable future.

The best thing we can do today is to learn to protect ourselves, our businesses, and our properties to reduce the pressure on the already damaged economy of the region. And if there is a sustainable way to do so, even better!

Flood barriers for home and businesses are a great solution in this case. Made out of modern, durable materials, they are robust, reliable, and ultimately zero-waste compared to flood bags and sandbags most of us are using right now.

Moreover, installation of those flood barriers does not require any special skills or tools and can be done in a matter of several minutes. And when the water retreats, you can easily remove your flood barrier and store it safely in the basement, under the bed, or even behind the door.

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DamEasy防洪闸门坝 -终极防洪


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Do you want to learn more about modern flood control and other solutions that will help to prevent and withstand floods in Europe? Contact Dam Easy today!

Here you will find a team of professional experts ready to answer all your questions about climate change and flood hazards in your region and help you choose the best flood barriers and other modern anti-flooding products that will fit your house or business best!

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