Are Flood Barriers Expensive? Let's Count!

Are Flood Barriers Expensive? Let's Count!

6 minute read

Hey there, fellow flood-fighters! Let’s talk about flood barriers, those unsung heroes that keep our homes and businesses dry when Mother Nature decides to throw a tantrum. 

Now, you might be thinking, "Why drop nine hundred bucks on one of those when I can grab a cheaper, one-time use barrier for a fraction of the cost, or use one of those cool DIY ideas from YouTube?" 

Well, buckle up, because we're about to lay down some flood-prevention math!

When You Need Flood Protection

Picture this: You’re hit with a flood warning. Or, of course, it happens at the worst time possible: in the middle of the night, for example. You rush to the store, grab the cheapest barrier you can find, slap it up, and pray it holds. But you are not some sort of looser who falls for those marketing tricks, right? So, you get those good old, well-tested sandbags. Indeed, you farther and farther from your grandparents were probably using them, and they worked just perfectly!

Sure, it might do the job for that one flood. But what about the next time? And the time after that? With each use, those "flood barriers" lose their effectiveness faster than ice cream on a scorching summer day. It’s like throwing money down the drain—pun intended.

Now, let’s flip the script and talk about that $900 flood barrier. Yeah, it’s a bit of an investment upfront, but here’s the kicker: it’s reusable! 

That’s right, you can deploy it again and again without losing its mojo. 

flood barriers installation

Think about the long haul. Sure, you’re shelling out a bit more initially, but over time, that durable barrier pays for itself. You won’t have to keep forking over cash every time a storm comes knocking. Plus, you’re doing your part for the planet by cutting down on waste. Double win!

Easy Solution?

High-quality barriers are built to last. They’re made from top-notch materials that can stand up to the toughest floods. So while your neighbor’s bargain barrier is floating away downstream, yours is holding strong, keeping your property safe and sound. 

Still not sure? We got you covered! Our team will make sure that you get all the necessary instructions and demonstrations that will help you install your flood barriers, and rest assured that your house is safe and sound.

DamEasy防洪闸门坝 -终极防洪

DamEasy防洪闸门坝 -终极防洪


大坝容易®防洪闸门大坝   洪水在世界各地越来越普遍。曾经的百年现象,现在是房主必须面对的季节性趋势。   这正是为什么你需要这个大坝容易防洪闸门大坝!   作为重型和凌乱沙袋的一个很好的替代品,这个屏障提供了第一道防线,防止水进入你家的门窗。当洪水发生时,快速行动的能力至关重要。此防洪屏障可在 5 分钟内安装,为您提供可靠的防洪保护!   不要等到为时已晚。得到这个防洪屏障门坝,现在保护你的房子! … Read More

And let’s not forget peace of mind. When you invest in a reliable flood barrier, you simply know you’re prepared for whatever nature throws your way. No more last-minute scrambles to the store or frantic calls to the insurance company. You’ve got this.

So, there you have it, folks. When it comes to flood barriers, quality trumps quantity every time. Sure, that $900 price tag might give you sticker shock, but trust me, it’s worth every penny. Invest in durability, invest in peace of mind, and invest in keeping your property dry when the floodwaters rise.

Now, to the math part!

But, of course, you are not a sucker and didn`t swallow all that marketing nonsense we just threw at you, right?

So let`s get to some numbers. Disclaimer: The prices may vary depending on where you live and when you are reading this article.

Say you're comparing the cost of owning a durable $900 flood barrier versus using cheaper, one-time-use options like sandbags.

  1. Sandbags Cost: On average, a sandbag can cost anywhere from $0.50 to $1.00 each. For a typical flood barrier setup, you might need hundreds of sandbags. Let's conservatively estimate you'd need 200 sandbags at $0.75 each, totaling $150.
  2. Losses Due to Flood Damage: The costs of flood damage can vary greatly depending on the severity of the flood and the extent of the damage to your property. It could range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands or more. Let's just go with some statistics and say that, on average, the cost of flood damage without proper protection is around $5,000.
  3. Insurance Premiums: If you're in a flood-prone area and you've had previous flood damage, your insurance premiums can be hefty. Let's say you're saving $500 per year on insurance premiums by having a reliable flood barrier.

Now, let's calculate the potential savings:

  • Sandbags Cost: $150 per flood event (assuming you replace them every time)
  • Losses Due to Flood Damage: $5,000 per flood event (assuming you experience damage without a proper barrier)
  • Insurance Premiums: $500 per year

Let's compare these costs over a period of 5 years:

  1. Sandbags Cost over 5 Years: $150 x 5 = $750
  2. Losses Due to Flood Damage over 5 Years: $5,000 x 1 = $5,000 (assuming one flood event per 5 years)
  3. Insurance Premiums over 5 Years: $500 x 5 = $2,500

Total cost without a durable flood barrier over 5 years: $750 (sandbags) + $5,000 (flood damage) + $2,500 (insurance) = $8,250.

Now, let's compare this to the cost of the durable $900 flood barrier. From our experience, an average household has about 25 feet of entry points, which means that you may have to get 5 flood barriers and 3 extension poles:

  • Cost of Durable Flood Barrier: $4,500 (one-time cost)
  • Extension poles: $1,140 (one-time cost)
  • Total: $5,640

Over 5 years, the homeowner with Dam Easy flood barriers saved:


So, the potential savings over 5 years from investing in a durable flood barrier instead of using cheaper, one-time-use options could be around $2,610. Are you sure you don't have a better use for the money?

flood barriers for garage

Do you have any additional questions or arguments? Want to know more about flood barriers? Make sure to contact Dam Easy today, and together we will make sure that your house is safe and sound in the face of the most severe flood for many years to come!

Florida residents can invite our teams to their houses to get a professional evaluation of flood risks and detailed information on how to make sure that floodwater will not enter their houses and cause any damage. Customers from all around the world are welcome to contact us in any convenient way to get a thorough consultation about flood risks and solutions that are most relevant for their property.

Believe us, flood safety is Dam Easy!

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