5 tips to survive extreme weather conditions (Pt. 1)

5 tips to survive extreme weather conditions (Pt. 1)

5 minute read

Hardly there is anything more unpredictable in our life than the weather. Especially today. Climate change and global warming have eventually led to the fact that you cannot be sure what the upcoming winter or summer will bring. Will you have your white Christmas or have to struggle with floods? Are you going on a nice family vacation on the beach, or do you have to instruct your family where the closes flood shelter is? Unfortunately, extreme weather is becoming something pretty regular today. From Australia to the United States, from draught and wildfires to flash floods and snow blizzards.

In this article, we shall talk about the 5 extreme weather scenarios most of us are likely to face soon and how to make sure that you and your family are safe and prepared.

Snow blizzard

This year snow blizzards in the United States and Canada made millions of people change their holiday vacation plans last minute. What is worse, by the moment this article was released, almost 40 people have already last their lives to the abnormal weather. Not to mention all the property damage and other losses caused by extreme weather conditions.

Most experts describe snow blizzards as "too much of a good thing." On the one hand, we all dream of white fluffy snow on Christmas morning. Moreover, this snow blanket is extremely important for the soil, agriculture, and the ecosystem in general. 

etreme weather snow

But when so much snow falls so fast, causing visibility issues, damaging the electric and water connections, and cutting people off each other and nearest supply points, it is extreme weather that can cause a lot of trouble if you are unprepared.

The best way to survive such an event is to be prepared and not make rush decisions. Make sure that you have the following:

  • extra layers of clothes and warm blankets,
  • a solid GPS app,
  • a light tarp you can use for shelter,
  • a simple fire kit. 

If you think that you need to leave the house or shelter to get some of the supplies, make sure that you will be able to return safely or find another shelter on the way. If there is even the slightest possibility that you may not make it back or find safety on return, don't set your foot out of the safe place.


A thunderstorm is the most frequent example of extreme weather conditions most of us face several times per year. In fact, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), at any given moment, there are at least 2,000 thunderstorms happening worldwide.

If a thunderstorm catches you outdoors, your main concern is, of course, the lightning. Make sure to stay away from elevated areas, hills, and mountain tops, as well as lonely trees or buildings in a large open spaces. 

However, the majority of injuries from lighting happen not because it strikes people directly (the probability of this is actually extremely low) but from the electricity that spreads on the surface, water, soil, and other conducting materials. That is why it is highly recommended to wear rubber boots or any footwear with rubber soil if you have to get out in a thunderstorm. 

extreme weather thunderstorm

Once you are at home, make sure to protect your house from water access, showering rains, heavy winds, and gets. Install flood barriers in the passages, garage, and basement games to prevent water from getting in. It may also be a good idea to install flood barriers on the windows to prevent water damage to the frame as well as damage and shattering due to extreme winds.

Haboob (Dust Storm)

Haboob is a word that originates from the Middle East, where dust storms are as regular as thunderstorms in Australia or Europe. However, this extreme weather scenario also happens in the United States pretty frequently, in Arizona, for example.

A dust storm is a result of a Thunderstorm aftershock when the precipitation runs out, but the heavy winds are still in their full swing. They pick up large amounts of dust, sand, and debris and carry them along the surface as fast as 50 miles per hour and more.

dust storm

The main danger of dust storms is the damage all that sand, dust, and dirt may cause to your skin and eyes. That is why traveling in the area and during the season when dust storms are most probable, make sure to pack long sleeve clothes, preferably with a golf neck or a hood that can be pulled over your head and face. Also, try to find shelter behind a large boulder or any other big and steady object that stands against the direction of the wind. Don't leave our shelter until the disaster passes entirely.

In part 2 of our article, we shall focus on surviving extreme weather conditions caused by water or those that bring vast water damage.

If you want to learn more about flood safety tips, modern flood control solutions, and ways to make sure your house or business stays safe in the face of extreme weather and suffers minimal water damage, contact Dam Easy right now!

Together we shall help you estimate flood risk in your area and make informed decisions about flood control solutions, flood gates, and other devices that will protect you and your property in case of flooding!

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