5 tips to survive extreme weather conditions (Pt. 2)

5 tips to survive extreme weather conditions (Pt. 2)

4 minute read

In the previous article, we have already covered several most probable extreme weather scenarios you are likely to face no matter where you live and what the "normal" climate is in your area.

Climate is changing. Rapidly and severely. And the weather becomes harsher, causing more and more damage to people and their property.

In this part, we shall continue talking about the essential survival rules in the face of extreme weather and cover the most notorious and unfortunately frequent natural disasters worldwide - floods and water-related extreme weather conditions.


While there are some areas in the United States and Australia that are famous worldwide for their tornado seasons, experts claim that today a tornado can basically happen anywhere. You don't really have to live in a particular state, a wide-open rural area, or somewhere next to a sea coast to witness or even suffer from tornadoes. 

As much as the formation of a tornado in many ways depends on the landscape, it is the air pressure and temperature conditions that eventually lead to a tornado.

Another common myth about tornadoes is that people get sucked into them all the time, and it is actually the most common COD or injury in case of a tornado. In fact, such cases are extremely rare and have been documented only several times in history. However, a tornado is indeed an extremely dangerous event that causes severe injuries and even clams people's lives every year. However, it mainly happens because of the objects and debris flying in the air during a tornado.

extreme weather tornado

That said - here are the essential survival tips during a tornado:

  • Find a shelter that has no windows - shattered glass and window frame fragments can act like bullets during a tornado and cause massive injuries. At the same time, they can cause additional damage to your property. That is why it is important to protect windows using window shutters, plywood covers, or even flood barriers that can be perfectly adjusted according to the window frame. Unlike built-in shutters and plywood, flood barriers used for windows will also prevent water damage to the property;
  • Act as fast as possible - today's forecasting methods allow you warning about a tornado about 10-15 minutes before it hits the area. It means that you need a protection method that can be deployed within several minutes and won't need any special skills and equipment. Flood barriers are exactly the case;
  • Go low - the best way to stay safe during a tornado is to go as low as possible. An underground shelter is ideal in this case. Make sure to store food, water, necessary medications, first aid kit in your basement, and endure the entrance with a flood barrier or something else that will barricade you away from the flying debris and dirty water.

Flash flood

Flash floods might be the most extreme and dangerous kind of flooding you will face in your life. It happens when a river, lake, or local creek gets overflows mainly due to massive rain or a significant increase in temperature that leads to faster-than-normal snowmelt.

What makes flash floods an extreme weather condition is that you usually have not more than several minutes to take action, find a shelter or endure your house right after you get a flash flood warning. Once again, modern flood barriers might be the best flood control solution in this case, as you can install them within 3-5 minutes without any special equipment, help, or professional skills.

flash floods

Flash floods are very unpredictable and can become extremely dangerous. That is why you should never take chances and find an elevated shelter or evacuate to a safe area if you are not sure that your house will withstand the trading water flow. In case you decide to stay in the house, make sure to seal every passage, entrance, and gate, including the garage gate and basement door, with a reliable flood barrier able to withstand 3-foot flooding.

Do you want to know more about flood safety tips and ways to protect your house or business in the face of a disaster? Contact Dam Easy today and meet our team, who will help you estimate the extreme weather risks in your area, flood control solutions, and other modern devices that will seal the floodwater away, preventing water damage and saving you a great deal of time, effort, and money.

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