5 flood damage mistakes everyone makes at least once

5 flood damage mistakes everyone makes at least once

5 minute read

When people see floodwater getting into their houses or notice the water damage after the flood season, most start panicking and try to resolve the situation as soon as possible with the means at hand. And while it may work at some point and with some degree of flood damage, every property owner tends to make at least one of the common mistakes that lead to harsh consequences and costly repairs.

In this article, we shall talk about the 5 main flood damage prevention and repair mistakes you may probably make every year without knowing how much it damages your property.

1 - Waiting for too long

Whether we are talking about the prevention of flood damage or dealing with its consequences, timing is everything.

Waiting for too long to get your anti-flooding products, as well as postponing repairs to those leaks and cracks water causes to your property, are the main reason why you and your wallet may suffer so much from floods every time. Remember, if the flooding has happened recently, there is a big chance it will repeat again. If floods didn't strike your area for over 100 years, there is an even bigger chance that soon you will witness and experience major flooding. Don't wait till it is too long, and make sure that you already have a flood barriers kit in your storage, know how to use it, and can install it within several minutes.

The same is true about the existing flood damage in your house. Don't wait till it develops into a massive problem for the building's structure and safety. The longer you postpone the repairs, the more it will cost.

flood damage mistakes

2 - Addressing the result, not the cause

Of course, it is essential to block all the leaks and holes when you see floodwater getting into the house. Of course, you need to clean up the mold and fix water damage as soon as you notice it. But if you are doing it one year after another without trying to reveal the cause, you are simply wasting time, money, and energy.

Make sure to inspect the building and protect it from floods before the disaster approaches. Block the leaks, fix the foundation, clear the gutters and install your flood barriers, and you will see that there are suddenly no signs of damage to deal with in the first place!

3 - Ignoring the damage that seems minor

So what that there are several wet stains in the basement? Nobody sees them, right, and they don't seem to bug anyone. In fact, this approach can cause you severe issues in the future and massive losses. 

The biggest problem with flood damage is that it is never actually what it looks like. In other words, a small water stain on the wall or several black dots on the wallpaper may be an indication of severe damage and mold growth inside the wall and structure that will not only cost you a small fortune to fix right away but will also affect the property's value when you decide to put it on the market.

Not to mention the health and safety hazards those seemingly insignificant stains can bring.

flood barriers

4 - "Saving" flood-damaged things

Sometimes flood damage does not really look that terrible. A couple of hours outside, and this carpet will be perfectly fine! Wash those vegetables before eating them, and you are safe! Why through away a perfectly fine cupboard if there is just a minor water stain on the bottom? Just dry out the books and put them back on the shelves.

These impulses are pretty understandable. After all, water is only water. It is not that you are dealing with some toxic or hazardous liquids here, right? Or are you?

Unfortunately, floodwater is not the same thing that runs out of your fossil. It is almost always contaminated with chemicals, dirt, and sometimes even sewer substances. Washing those veggies and drying out those books may not help in the case of flood damage. You are risking getting poisoned or contaminating your whole house, trying to save items touched by flooding.

5 - Using the wrong equipment and solutions

The fact that sandbags work perfectly for your neighbor does not mean that they will be as efficient for your house. They may have a different property landscape. Their house may be built differently and out of different materials, etc.

It is essential to research and determine anti-flooding and restoration products and solutions that work precisely in your case. Someone's advice may be a great help in your search, but you should always look for professional expertise and assistance when it comes to choosing flood barriers for your home or covering a water stain in the basement.

Do you want to learn more about modern flood safety and ways to protect your house or business from flood damage? Contact Dam Easy today!

Here you will find professional advice, innovative solutions, and thorough assistance in choosing, purchasing, and installation of flood control solutions that are designed and developed precisely with your safety and well-being in mind!

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DamEasy防洪闸门坝 -终极防洪


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