10 Summer Flood prevention tips for your home

10 Summer Flood prevention tips for your home

6 minute read

Floods are the most common natural disaster worldwide. Only in the United States do major floods happen at least 20 times every year. Summer flood is the most dangerous and destructive type of flood for two reasons:

  • You least expect to get flooded in summer as the official spring flood season has passed and fall rains are still on the way;
  • Summer Floods are usually flash floods - the type of floods that happen very fast, leaving people no time to prepare and react accordingly.

Another significant factor contributing to the growing danger of summer floods is wildfires. Covering the ground with debris, cinder, and bodies of dead animals, wildfires make it impossible for rainwater to absorb into the soil immediately. That is why even a little rain that happens in the area recently affected by a wildfire can cause a massive and destructive summer flood.

In this article, we shall provide the 10 essential tips that every home and business owner should know to protect their property even from the most dangerous flash floods and minimize the damage. 

Know your risk!

The first thing to do to protect your house from a summer flood is to evaluate your risk this season.

As we have already mentioned, many factors make summer flood more or less probable in your area. You can address FEMA resources and Floodsmart.gov to check the maps of floodplain areas and see how likely your home or business will get flooded in the observable future.

It is also essential to watch out for contributing factors such as recent wildfires, drought, seismic activity, and any weather abnormalities. All those events are likely to be followed by a summer flood.

Knowing your risk, you will manage to purchase and receive your flood barrier on time and learn to install it in a matter of several minutes. If you are lucky and no summer flood happens this year, your home flood barrier can be stored in your garage, basement, or even in any cupboard as it does not take much storage place once folded.

Get flood insurance

You may be surprised how little people know about the insurance policies they have on their properties. For example, basic homeowners' insurance does not usually cover floods and water damage caused by disasters.

Unless you lived in a floodplain area and had to get special flood insurance as it was your bank's primary requirement, it is best to do some paperwork right after you finish reading this article and see whether your insurance policy will protect you in case of a summer flood.

Protection from sewage water

The main dangers of floods are not drowning and water damage to the property but the effects of getting in contact with contaminated floodwater. 

Sewage waters that get into the floodstream can cause severe poisoning, inflammations, infections, and even be a reason for cholera, hepatitis, and other disease outbreaks if the floodwater from a summer flood is not cleared from the area immediately.

Make sure to get a sewage water backstop for your house and never get in direct contact with floodwater if your area gets affected.

summer flood in Thailand

Pest control

Another danger of floods that people often forget about is the invasion of rats and mice that try to hide from the floodwater. Except for being pretty unpleasant neighbors, rodents can become pretty dangerous, transfer numerous diseases and even attack you, your children, or pets once they feel threatened.

Make sure to get and install a rat blocker valve on pipes and seal any other crack or passage they can use to get into your house looking for food and shelter.

Elevate the boiler.

A water heater or boiler is one of the essential home appliances that are likely to be damaged beyond repair once it gets in contact with floodwater.

Unfortunately, it is normally placed in the basement, the area most likely to be affected even by a minor summer flood. To avoid the costs of boiler replacement, install flood gates for the basement and make sure to elevate the water heater to make sure that it won't get into direct contact with floodwater.

Work through your landscape.

In many cases, your property's landscape itself can "invite" floodwater towards your house, causing massive flood damage.

Invite a professional who will do all the measurements and carefully scale your landscape to make sure that all the critical constructions such as the main house, toolshed, and garage ate elevated and water has drainage passages to get away from your territory as fast as possible.

Don't neglect annual maintenance chores.

As annoying and time-consuming as they are, the annual chores such as cleaning the gutters and drains can save you a lot of money if the summer flood strikes your area.

Clean drains and gutters will make sure that the main mass of floodwater will be driven away from your house, and flood barriers will seal the passages to prevent it from getting inside.

Keep the Mulch away

If you have flower beds on your property, Mulch can become a real problem in case of flooding as it will absorb floodwater like a sponge and keep it on your property longer. Once it is placed right next to the walls of the house, this effect can cause long-term water damage to the house's construction, development of mold, etc.

Make sure to keep Mulch away from the house, fence, and other walls and constructions you want to protect from floodwater. 

You may get several flood barriers for a home with extension poles and create a construction that will protect a flowerbed or the green from floodwater and keep Mulch in place.

Do you want to know more about modern flood controls and ways to protect your house or business from a summer flood? Contact Dam Easy today.

Our team will gladly answer all your questions and provide thorough information about flood barriers for homes, extension poles, and other products that will help you stay safe and sound this flood season. 

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DamEasy防洪闸门坝 -终极防洪


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