Shopping for flood barriers. How to make the right choice

Shopping for flood barriers. How to make the right choice

4 minute read

Flood protection has become the #1 essential for any home and business owner since floods are happening more and more often worldwide, causing enormous losses. Flood barriers are known to be the most popular modern flood control solutions that help you protect any residential or commercial property from floods. They can even serve as window shutters during a hurricane.

However, the market is full of various flood control solutions, and sometimes it may seem really hard to make the right choice. After all, every manufacturer will claim that their product provides the best security and protection from water damage during a flood or hurricane season.

In this article, we shall talk about how you should actually shop for your flood control solution, where you can easily buy products that will protect your house or business from floodwater, and how to understand which one will actually work best for you.

What do you expect from your flood control?

The most obvious answer is probably "to keep the water away," but it is exactly what any manufacturer will promise you. So how do you choose the flood control product that works best in your case?

All buildings, as well as their owners, are different. Location does not determine your best flood control at all. What works best for your neighbor may turn out to be a total disaster for you when you both are going through the same flood season several yards apart.

Your building structure, materials as well as the number of passages, and the surrounding land will in many ways determine which flood protection to use.

Sandbags are usually everyone's #1 choice as they have existed in the flood control game for centuries and are believed to be the most straightforward and, therefore, efficient way to block floodwater away.

Flood doors are a more advanced way to protect your house, but they are permanent, pretty costly, and hard to install and maintain if needed. Also, having a flood door in the front won't save your house from water damage if the flooding can still enter through the basement, garage gate, or kitchen door.

Flood barriers might be the easiest solution if you have several passages, expect to deal with flash flooding, or have an area that has to be blocked for a long period of time like most waterfront properties do. Seemingly pretty costly, flood barriers are a long-term solution, an investment into the flood safety of your house that pays off after the very first flooding event; if you calculate the costs of cleaning, drying, repair, and replacement, that would have to take place without them.

The most available flood protection.

The next thing you will probably consider shopping for your flood control is how easy it is to buy and install the product that you choose.

In fact, the modern market makes it easy to find and buy anything from good old sandbags to modern flood barriers, especially if you prefer online shopping.

We strongly recommend you to see in person the product that is supposed to provide your safety and wellbeing in the face of disaster. Therefore, if you are a first-time buyer, don't hesitate to do some legwork, even if you are planning to buy online.

For example, flood barriers, which were only available online until last year, can now be purchased in Home Depot and other popular retail chains all over the world. 

Make sure to see the product in person, touch it, and check how all the mechanisms and details work to be absolutely sure about your decision and get the most out of your flood control at the moment the disaster actually strikes.

flood barriers

How do I know that this flood protection actually works?

Last but not least, the advice in our shoppers' guide is to do your "homework" a little bit and search for reviews and feedback from people or businesses that may have already used the flood control you chose for several years.

Check our local forums and social media, go on YouTube, and search for independent lab reports as well as buyers` reviews. As we have already mentioned, each case is very individual, but there are definitely people who live or work in a building similar to yours and have to deal with the same rate and frequency of flooding.

Do you want to learn more about modern flood control solutions and get expert advice about safety tips and preparations in case of flooding?

Follow us on social media and contact Dam Easy today. Our team will be happy to answer all your questions and help you make an informed decision about the most efficient flood control method for your house and business.

El dique de contención de inundaciones.

El dique de contención de inundaciones.


Dam easy® para evitar la inundación de la represa.   Las inundaciones son cada vez más frecuentes en todo el mundo.Lo que solía ser un fenómeno centenario se ha convertido en una tendencia estacional que los propietarios deben afrontar.  … Read More

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