My water heater got flooded. Do I have to replace it now?

My water heater got flooded. Do I have to replace it now?

5 minute read

Statistically, over 90% of American households have some level of water damage due to flooding. Floods are happening more and more often today due to climate change and numerous other factors. Luckily, not all of them are destructive and epic like the recent floods in Germany or floods in Mexico. However, every flooding, even a pretty moderate one, can cause you a great deal of trouble. Basements are usually the first ones to get flooded. It means that the equipment and appliance you keep in your basement is most likely to get damaged by water. For example, there is a strong chance your water heater got flooded once it was located in a basement.

In this article, we shall explain what to do if you realize that your water heater got damaged by water, whether you should replace it, or there is a chance to minimize losses and repair it after flooding.

water heater got flooded

A flooded water heater - what do experts say?

According to the information from the official website of Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) (yes, there is such a thing!), once an appliance like a fridge, air condition unit, or a water heater got flooded, you should stop using it immediately! 

Moreover, AHRI experts insist that it is dangerous to use any sort of such appliance after water damage, even if it has been refurbished somehow. Therefore, once your water heater gets flooded, you should replace it for your own safety.

Why do you have to replace a flood-damaged water heater?

Naturally, every homeowner wants to cut the costs as much as possible. Therefore, they would look for "mitigating circumstances" to avoid getting a new water heater instead of a damaged one.

There can be different excuses: the basement was not "that" flooded, the water heater is gas-fired, not electric, visually everything is fine, there are no signs of corrosion or dirt, etc.

However, water damage is not always visible; water can retreat faster than getting to the basement and evaluating the actual flooding level. Even if the water heater is not electric, moisture can damage its crucial parts, making it unsafe to use in the future.

water heater got flooded

So, you have to replace a water heater that got flooded...

Here are the essential things everyone should remember after realizing that a water heater got flooded:

  1. You have to replace a water heater if ANY part of the appliance got flooded;
  2. Water will probably corrode control valves of a gas-fired water heater;
  3. Any electric appliance, including electric water heaters, is unsafe to use after flooding;
  4. Even if the water heater didn`t get flooded, make sure to check the insulation. Once It was damaged by water, it is compromised, and the water inside the heater would get contaminated with dirt and bacteria;
  5. Corrosion does not appear instantly. So even if the water heater "looks fine," but any of its parts are wet, there has definitely been water damage that can reveal itself in long-term consequences;
  6. Replacement of a flooded water heater is not a DIY project. You should hire a professional contractor for the job;
  7. Along with the water heater itself, you may have to replace the Temperature and Pressure Relief valve also;
  8. Once you have a gas-supply water heater, make sure that the gas line is dry and not affected by the floodwater.

As you might have already understood, the replacement of a flooded water heater is inevitable. Moreover, it may take some sufficient time, money, and effort as the job should be done by a qualified contractor. However, it is a matter of your safety since a defective water heater won`t just spoil the quality of water in your house but may lead to dangerous and destructive consequences in the future that will cost you much more than its timely replacement.

How to avoid the replacement of a flooded water heater?

Once the water heater gets flooded, there is nothing to do; you will have to replace it. However, once you manage to prevent flooding, you will save a lot of money, time, and effort.

Basements are often pretty hard to protect from flooding as they may not have standard doors, gates, and passages located way beyond the flood line.

Temporary flood barriers are a wonderful solution in this case. It is straightforward to install and remove such barriers and store them compactly in the basement after water retreats. Moreover, they can be adjusted precisely according to the size of the passage, which makes them a versatile solution for the whole building.

And once you compare the cost of your flood barrier kit with how much you would have to spend on replacing water-damaged appliances, furniture, and belongings, flood barriers instantly appear a smart investment into your won't well-being.

Contact Dam Easy today and learn about our flood barriers and other anti-flooding solutions that will help you protect your house from water damage and stay safe and sound in the face of an upcoming disaster.

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