The recent earthquake and floods in Mexico made many people think about flood safety seriously. Today experts claim that the most devastating consequences of the disaster could have been avoided if houses and municipal buildings had been prepared for the flooding properly. The question of floods in California has remained open for many years, and the Golden State is among those who are most concerned about its perspectives in the light of recent events in Mexico.
California has experienced several significant floods in its history, including the famous "Christmas of 1861" disaster, which has turned the Central Valley into a gigantic lake. Since then, several more significant floods have caused a lot of damage and even taken lives.
And while scientists and eco-activists are warning about climate change and its consequences, people start to wonder whether floods in California are closed than we think. Residents and authorities of the Golden State should begin preparing for the upcoming disaster.
This question is, of course, most important for those who own or are planning to buy real estate in California, have a business, or any other sufficient assets there.
In this article, we decided to talk about whether the recent floods in Mexico are a presage for the Golden State, whether Floods in California may happen in the observable future and how you can make sure to protect yourself and your property before the disaster strikes.
"Our wets are getting wetter; our dries are getting drier."
This quote might be the brightest illustration of the ongoing climate change and its consequences. Indeed, while people got used to the term "global warming," winters are getting colder, storms are becoming more severe and destructive, and heavy snow blizzards are causing electricity shortening and transport collapses all over the world.
But the idea is that the temperatures and weather conditions are getting more severe worldwide. We are dealing with nature's more severe behavior every year. It means that if you live in an area where snowfalls are typical for the winter period, it would be reasonable to prepare for massive blizzards in the observable future and think about anti-flooding protection as when the Spring comes, it will be much warmer and those snow masses will melt rapidly causing massive floods.
But what about California? The state is famous for many things, but definitely not massive snowfall. The thing is that California is one of the states that has a pretty complicated system of rivers and streams. Those are the "wets" of the state, which are likely to make floods in California possible in the observable future.
Experts' main concern is people's numerous attempts to take control over water, block or redirect it, and sustain it within a "concrete straightjacket" like those built for rivers of Los Angeles.
With climate-changing and more water masses spreading all over the Earth, those man-made constructions may become the primary reason Californians may have to witness massive flooding in the next several years.
The recent wildfires in the state are another reason for the possible floods in California. The debris and other consequences of the disaster still cover the ground shaping a thick layer of solid pressed material that may prevent water from expanded rivers or creeks from soaking into the soil. It will direct floodwater directly towards residential and commercial buildings, causing extensive damage once they are not prepared for the disaster in advance.
There is too much water in the atmosphere.
Coming back to our statement about "dries getting drier," California seems to face another problem today. The weather in the state has been particularly dry in the past several years, which has led to those massive wildfires mentioned above. How can this tendency lead to the next big floods in California?
The fact is that water does not disappear anywhere. When it evaporates from the surface of Earth, it gets concentrated in the atmosphere. As the temperatures rise, the atmosphere becomes drier and therefore can accumulate more water.
But the problem is that one day or another, the concentration of water in the atmosphere over California may reach a critical level, and all those water masses will pour out, causing a rainfall that the state has never seen before.
It may be a matter of several years or even a decade, but the recent floods in Mexico have demonstrated that the next historic flood in California is only a matter of time.
Prevent or prepare?
Is it possible to prevent floods in California? Most probably not. Like anywhere in the world, floods in the Golden State have already happened before and will happen in the future. However, the control over emissions of greenhouse gasses along with other ecological measures will definitely help to postpone the following historic flooding in California.
Should you try to avoid buying property in the Golden State? of course not. California is one of the most booming housing markets in the United States and purchasing property here is an intelligent investment.
However, it is essential to keep the possible danger in mind and think ahead of the disaster considering efficient modern anti-flooding solutions.
Dam Easy Flood Barriers are among the most popular anti-flooding products today. They help numerous households and businesses worldwide minimize their losses and withstand floods.
Easy to deploy and remove, these flood barriers are a perfect solution for those looking for an elegant and modern yet efficient and robust solution. It will take you only several minutes to install your Dam Easy Flood Barrier and make sure that you and your belongings stay safe in the face of the most severe flooding.
Contact Dam Easy today, learn how to protect your California house from flooding, and guarantee that your investment will be secured by the most advanced technology tested by experts and private property owners worldwide.
El dique de contención de inundaciones.
Dam easy® para evitar la inundación de la represa. Las inundaciones son cada vez más frecuentes en todo el mundo.Lo que solía ser un fenómeno centenario se ha convertido en una tendencia estacional que los propietarios deben afrontar. … Read More