Flood barriers for doors -  3 ways to protect from flooding

Flood barriers for doors - 3 ways to protect from flooding

5 minute read

Do you know what is the main reason so many households and businesses are suffering from flooding? Yes, floods are happening more and more today, and anyone can be victim of the disaster. However, the biggest problem is that people usually wait till it is too late and don't think about flood barriers for doors until water literally... knocks on their doors.

Flooding is not just the most frequent natural disaster today; it is also the most devastating one. Not only it causes a lot of suffering, but floods always lead to massive material damage that influences the whole community one way or another.

That is why getting a flood barrier for home or business on time will not only protect your family in case of emergency but can minimize the overall damage for the local economy as you will repair after the disaster much faster and will be able to get back to work and normal living.

flood barriers for doors

Since doors are the first line of defense and the ultimate way for floodwater to get into your house, let's talk about the 3 most reliable flood barriers for doors. These methods and products include the good-old home flood barrier methods that might have been practiced in your community for decades, as well as innovative flood gates and some witty inventions, which have already helped thousands of people minimize their losses to flooding worldwide.

In this article, we shall talk about the pros and cons of the 3 most popular food barriers for doors to help you make an informed decision. Moreover, we shall provide some alternative ideas that may work even better for your household or business.

Sandbags - the ultimate flood barriers for doors

flood barriers for doors

Sandbagging might be the first way people have been protecting their homes from flooding since the dawn of time. Indeed, sandbagging is an inexpensive, straightforward anti-flooding solution that has been time-tested better than any other flood barrier home or similar product on the market.

Pros of Sandbagging:

  • The simple principle that does not require any special knowledge or skills;
  • Use of natural eco-friendly materials;
  • Efficiency proved by time;
  • The cheapest flood barrier method.

Cons of Sandbagging:

  • Sand excavation alters the coastline leading to more floods;
  • It takes a lot of time and physical effort to build a quality sandbagging dike;
  • Sandbagging is a highly messy flood barrier, and you will face a massive cleaning project after water retreats.

As you see (or maybe know from your personal experience), sandbagging is a popular and fairly reliable variant of flood barriers for doors, but hardly will it be efficient against flash floods when you have only several minutes to protect your property from floodwater.

Inflatable Flood Bags

flood barriers for doors

It is a modern alternative to sandbagging that solves several issues which often occur with the archaic flood gates.

Pros of Inflatable Flood bags:

  • They are multi-use and don't take much storage space;
  • Can be deployed in less than 10 minutes and don't require significant physical effort or skills;
  • You can adjust the height or width of your flood barriers for doors.

Cons of Inflatable Flood Bags:

  • Their material is sensitive to salty water. You won't benefit from them if you live in a coastal area and floods come from the sea or the ocean;
  • They have a very limited protection range. Although you can adjust their height, this flood gate probably won't sustain massive 3-foot flooding;
  • To inflate those flood bags, you need to use a special air pump which men's that you need access to electricity. If there was a power-off, or you don't have an accessible electricity source, your inflatable airbags will appear useless.

Flood Barriers

flood barriers for doors

Flood barriers for doors, garage and basement gates, and other passages are righteously the #1 choice of numerous households and businesses all over the world. They might be the easiest, low-maintenance anti-flooding solution that at the same time proves to be most efficient even against the massive 3-foot floods.

Pros of Flood Barriers:

  • Easy to install and remove. It takes about 7 minutes to install the flood barrier, and you don't need any additional tools or preparations to protect your house or business from floods;
  • The efficiency of Flood Barriers has been proven by numerous independents tests performed in the United States, Europe, and Asia;
  • Flood Barriers are the most long-lasting and durable device on the modern market. They are not afraid of salty water, don't need replacement or repair after every flooding, and can serve you for many years being the most sustainable anti-flooding solution on the modern market;

Cons of Flood Barriers:

  • Price. Relatively more expensive than most other anti-flooding solutions, flood barriers are an investment into your safety and the value of your property;
  • Some customers note that the flood barriers often appear more robust than the building itself, and therefore they need to endure the whole house to benefit from the flood barriers for doors. However, many choose to get a set of flood barriers that create an easy-to-install reusable dike around the whole house, an intelligent alternative to the archaic sandbagging method.

In fact, there are numerous solutions on the modern market that can protect your house or business from flooding most efficiently. The secret is to start thinking about flood barriers for doors as soon as possible to be prepared and fully protected when the disaster strikes again.

Contact Dam Easy today and learn about our flood barriers and other anti-flooding solutions that will help you prevent losses and protect your property from the upcoming disaster. Our team will be happy to answer all your questions and create an exclusive kit according to the measurements of your building, as well as additional solutions that will help you seal every possible passage for the floodwayer into your house.

Contact Dam Easy today to ensure your safety and wellbeing for many years! 

El dique de contención de inundaciones.

El dique de contención de inundaciones.


Dam easy® para evitar la inundación de la represa.   Las inundaciones son cada vez más frecuentes en todo el mundo.Lo que solía ser un fenómeno centenario se ha convertido en una tendencia estacional que los propietarios deben afrontar.  … Read More

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