People often ask whether investing money into advanced flood protection is reasonable, while the disaster may or may not strike in the observable future. Well, we have already explained the difference between the costs of flood barriers and water damage repairs in this blog. Now let's get more focused and discuss why it is so essential to floodproof your garage and how much a flood-damaged car would cost you.
With floods being the most frequent natural disaster on the planet, you would be surprised by the number of flood-damaged cars arriving at garages every year.
Over 20% of them appear to be flooded beyond repair, causing thousands of dollars in losses to people or businesses who own them. But even if a mechanic tells you that the damage is manageable and your car will get back on the road, prepare your checkbook and patience and think of alternative means of transportation for the observable future as repairs of a flood-damaged vehicle will require some sufficient time.
In this article, we shall talk about how much will a flood-damaged car actually cost you or your business and whether it is worth it at all.
Is it possible to fix a flood-damaged car?
Before talking about prices, let's be realistic and discuss whether anybody can actually repair a flood-damaged car, or all you can count on is a temporary fix that will be a waste of money after all.
The first thing you should know is that there is a big chance your car insurance policy does not cover flood damage. It may happen for two reasons: either you decided not to pay for the additional coverage thinking that water damage is pretty improbable in the area where you were planning to drive, or the insurance company decided itself to avoid flood-damage covering as it is a common belief that such vehicle doesn't really worth it.
However, if you are asking whether it is theoretically possible to fix a flood-damaged car, the answer is yes, but once again, big chances you will have to pay for the repair from your own pocket.
However, once you bring your flood-damaged car into the garage, it is essential to understand that even the most experienced mechanic cannot provide you a thorough estimate right away. There are simply too many things that can go wrong with a flood damaged car.
- malfunction of the electric systems;
- damage to the upholstery, carpets, and the rest of the exterior and interior of the vehicle;
- repair of the hydro-locked engine
Those are only the most apparent treatment that a flood damaged car will need, no matter how bad was the flooding.
In many cases, you may even decide that it simply does not worth it, and if the car does not have any specific material or at least sentimental value for you, it is easier to get rid of it as soon as possible.
In other words, the question you should be asking once you find your vehicle in a flooded garage is not whether you can fix it but should you try it at all.
How much will it cost to repair a flood-damaged car?
So, you decided that you really have to fix the water damage, and now you may wonder how much the repair will actually cost you.
Good news, some of the repairs are pretty easy and can even be DIY, depending on the character of the damage and the vehicle's condition by the moment of flooding.
For example, if the water came through the roof or doors during a hefty rainstorm, all you may have to do is dry out the upholstery and carpets with a blowdryer and special absorbents that would cost you about $20. Even if you have to change the upholstery, the bill is pretty manageable and remains within several hundred.
Now let's say your garage god flooded, and you end up with a hydro-locked engine, possible damage to the electric system with the danger of shortening, and a heavily-flooded salon soaked with dirty and stinky floodwater.
In this case, the bill will hardly go beyond $3000. Moreover, it is essential to address highly qualified and experienced mechanics when dealing with flood damage. Most of its impact may remain invisible to an a=unarmed eye and reveal itself long after the flooding. Therefore, prepare to pay some additional money for the "name" and "reputation."
Of course, the number you will see on the bill does not represent all of your losses from a flood-damaged car. You will probably have to find alternative means of transportation, which will cost you additional money, time, and nerves. In case we are talking about a business vehicle, the losses can be really tremendous.
How to minimize losses from a flood-damaged car?
There are two ways to avoid all the problems and costs that inevitably follow flooding of your vehicle:
- Get rid of a flood-damaged car;
- Protect the vehicle from flooding in advance
In the first case, you will legally have to disclose that the car has been flooded. Naturally, this fact will significantly reduce its price. The easiest way is to sell the vehicle to junk dealers. However, you must understand that the "easiest" automatically means "least profitable."
Therefore if you are looking to avoid all those losses and costs, make sure to secure the vehicle from water damage and protect it from being flooded.
While most people will say that keeping a car in the garage will save your property from water damage, you will be surprised how many vehicles have been damaged beyond repair, parked in a flooded garage.
Because securing their houses from flooding their garages, basements, or backyard constructions like sheds. That is usually because garage or basement passages are pretty wide and may require some additional effort to be secured.
Dam easy offers an efficient, innovative, and modern solution designed precisely for garage gates and other more expansive passages. Combined with an extension pole, our flood barriers can quickly seal any garage gate, securing your vehicle from any kind of water damage during the most severe flooding.
Contact Dam Easy right now and learn about our Flood Barriers, extension poles, and other solutions aimed to protect you and your property from water damage and guarantee your safety in the face of disaster.
El dique de contención de inundaciones.
Dam easy® para evitar la inundación de la represa. Las inundaciones son cada vez más frecuentes en todo el mundo.Lo que solía ser un fenómeno centenario se ha convertido en una tendencia estacional que los propietarios deben afrontar. … Read More