This storm season may be very expensive. Here is why!

This storm season may be very expensive. Here is why!

6 minute read

Storms, hurricanes and floods always go hand-in-hand and turn out to be the most frequent and most expensive natural disasters worldwide. However, the ongoing storm season in Australia already proves to cause unprecedented damage and losses, while experts believe that the "La Nina" storm, which will be most effective in the Queensland region, may go down in history as the most expensive one.

Why does it happen? Climate change and global warming are, of course, the first things that come to mind when we discuss natural disasters, their reasons and consequences. But recently, it seems like we are trying to explain every new severe storm season with those "magic words" without giving too much hope to what we can do with the situation and whether there is any way to minimize the risks and costs.

In this article, we shall talk about the reasons every new storm season turns out to be more expensive than the previous one, according to world-leading experts. Let's take a closer look at the already notorious La Nina, the reasons it will make the winter season `22-'23 particularly harsh in Australia, and what we can do to protect ourselves and our properties.

Why are hurricanes getting more expensive?

According to the official data from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration, the overall cost of all the hurricanes and storms that happened in 2021 has reached the cosmic $145 billion.

No wonder it seems like every time you open your news or social media feed, you learn about another distraction flooding, hurricane or another related disaster that wipes away whole towns and communities.

But does it mean that hurricanes are becoming so often, and every next storm season will definitely cause more damage than the previous one?

Yes and no. Hurricanes are somehow similar to aeroplane crashes in the way people react to them and consider their possibilities. While you have 20 times fewer chances to get into an aeroplane crash than in a car accident, most people get into vehicles without giving it a second thought every day and have an irrational fear of flying at the same time.

It is because aeroplane catastrophes are definitely much more dramatic and spectacular if you will. Go online or open any streaming app, and you will find millions of articles on air crash investigations, mysteries and history.

storm season 2022

Car accidents are much more habitual; they happen every day. If you don't get into one, you probably see at least one accident sight driving around your town. That is why although they cause much more damage and hurt much more people, documentaries about distracted driving and DUIs will never have such high ratings.

Something similar happens when we talk about hurricanes, storms and floods. There is a 90% chance that right now, you are inside of a building that has a certain level of water damage caused by different kinds of flooding. This water damage slowly but surely leads to structural damage, the development of mould and other potentially hazardous complications. But you don't give it too much thought as a natural disaster is only considered a disaster when it is cinematic enough to collect millions of views on social media.

So, if the cost of the 2021 storm season reached $145 billion, floods are believed to cost us $700 billion in the next five years and reach the unbelievable $5,5 trillion by 2050.

So, answering our original question, hurricanes don't really get more frequent, but they do become more and more impactful and expensive, mainly due to all the water damage associated with them. And while every new storm season will come and go, water damage and floods continue to occur and affect our lives throughout the whole year, caused by various reasons and leading to devastating consequences.

What can we do? Read the signs the next storm season sends you!

The situation around the upcoming La Nina hurricane is a perfect example of how reading the signs another storm sends ys can lead to minimizing the victims and costs of the impact.

While the Bureau of Meteorology has officially admitted and declared that La Nina is on the way to Australia and will probably cause unprecedented tornado a=outbrakes, blizzards and all in between during the 22-23 winter season, Australian residents got their first notification just a couple of days ago with an unexpected hail storm and flash flood warnings that have hit Sydney.

And while we all were liking and sharing those spectacular posts and tweets with backyards covered in egg-size hail pieces, the main lesson everyone must have learned from that event is that water is on the way and the sooner we learn to protect our property from it... well, the cheaper this storm season will be.

You see, storm seasons are getting so expensive, not because storms are becoming more frequent and impactful. It is mainly because people often look at the storm itself but hardly ever think of the reasons and consequences of the damage it makes. Throughout the whole year, you may be ignoring the leak stains in your basement or under the windows, those seemingly harmless puddles in your garage and cracks that appear after every season changes and temperatures drop and rise dramatically. And then the storm comes, and our buildings weakened by lack of maintenance and protection bend and fall under its impact.

Such a seemingly simple yet most efficient solution as a flood barrier will protect your house, shop or any other building from the snowmelt or heavy rainfall flooding that may seem harmless but cause long-lasting structural damage.

A flood gate in your garage or basement will prevent your vehicle, electric appliance and other tools and equipment you keep there from wear-tear and damage and will make sure that the doors and gates of your house remain as robust and string as they are meant to be.

Do you want to know more about modern flood control and ways to protect your property from water damage and prepare it for the upcoming storm season?

Contact Dam Easy today and get a thorough consultation and estimate from our experts. Explore modern sustainable flood control devices and solutions, and choose the ones that fit your property's measurements and structure perfectly!

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