Don't Be a Soggy Mess: The Rundown on Sandbags and Flood Barriers

Don't Be a Soggy Mess: The Rundown on Sandbags and Flood Barriers

3 minute read

Are you concerned about flooding in your home? Don't be a soggy mess - take action and protect your property! Sandbags and flood barriers are two of the best methods for protecting your home from potential flooding. In this blog post, we'll discuss the rules of proper installation for sandbags and flood barriers, so you can determine which is the best method for your home. We'll also provide tips on making these methods the most efficient, so you can be sure you're properly protected. So let's get started! How to install Sandbags? 

One of the most fundamental and thus tried ways of home protection from flooding is using sandbags. the area in which the sandbag dam is to be built should be level and free of obstacles or sharp curves. while you are filling the bags with sand, another should hold them so that the bag does not overflow. Your dam will be more flood-proof if the bags are flexible. The more flexible the bags, the better the anti-flooding seal;·Build the dam, placing sandbags long side parallel to the anticipated water stream.

sandbagsDon`t forget to tamp down each layer of sandbags before placing the next row; will create a better seal; ·Do not lay your sandbags on top of one another. It is best to build a dam with sandbags chequerwise; if you have to build a wall that is taller than three layers of sandbags, ensure the base is sturdier by piling more sandbags on the bottom and ensure you are using six-mil plastic. Make sure that you enlist the help of others when building the barrier to help avoid flooding as this is one of the most secure solutions, but prepare to exercise both before and after placement of the barrier due to its heavy weight. How to use Flood Barriers? flood barriers are manufactured according to the measurements of your property provided when you make the offer. If additional sealing is needed, adhesive patches are included with the kit. Here is how you should install Dam Easy Flood Barriers for your home: ·Fit the bottom of the barrier to your doorway; ·Extent the side panels to the door; ·Inflate the seal using the pump handle up to approximately 2 -Bar on the gauge; ·Turn the Air Retention Valve to the closed position. Flood barriers for your home can be installed within a matter of minutes without any additional assistance. As a result, you can effectively seal your property under the pressure of the upcoming disaster without having to rely on someone's availability or willingness to assist you. The flood barrier can even be removed very easily, and you can store it for future use even in a very small garage or drawer.

Should you have any questions, want to learn more about modern flood control or would like to receive updates about flood safety and tips about protecting your house or business from water damage, make sure to follow us on Social Media and contact Dam Easy today!

Together we shall help you make informed decisions about flood control for your property and help you stay safe and sound when the next flood season starts!

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Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate


DAM EASY® FLOOD GATE - DOOR DAM    Floods are becoming more common around the world. What was once a 100-year phenomenon is now a seasonal trend that homeowners must deal with.   That’s EXACTLY why you need this Dam Easy Flood… Read More

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