We have already discussed why it is so important to protect your property from floods. Except for the obvious dangers to you and your loved ones, just one flooding event can significantly influence the value of your house, and the water damage that is not treated on time easily turns into an ultimate money pit. At the same time, such a straightforward yet modern solution as a flood gate can save you a great deal of time, money, and nerves.
More and more people understand that it is essential to think about flood control whether you live in a rural area or in the heart of a big city. However, floods keep on causing more and more devastating consequences all over the world.
It mostly happens because while people understand the importance of flood control, they don`t really know when and how to start preparing for the disaster to ensure their safety.
Many don't think about getting their flood gate kit until they receive a flood warning in the area. And as much as we want to keep each of our customers safe and ensure the safety of their homes, logistics, delivery, and possible delays may sometimes become the reason that the help arrives too late.
In this article, we shall talk about how and when to start preparing your house for floods when to order and install a flood gate and arrange other flood control solutions.
What are the flood risks in your area?
To understand when and whether to install a flood gate at all, it is essential to estimate the real flood risks in your area and your property. For example, living in a waterfront house, you may want to leave the flood gate installed for the whole season while some may need to block the passage for a couple days while the flood is approaching and keep your flood barrier kit in the garage for the rest of the year.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) distinguishes several levels of flood risk. The special FEMA Flood Map Service will help you determine the odds of a flood happening in your district and how you should prepare for the disaster.
For your convenience, the flood risk zones are marked with different colors:
- Blue Zones - the so-called 1% zones. It means that the risk of flooding happening in such places is about 1 in 100 years;
- Orange Zones - these are even more optimistic than Blue Zones. Statistically, goods happen here once in 500 years. However, it does not mean that your house may not get flooded due to heavy rainfall or spring snowmelt every year. Remember that even the slightest flooding can lead to damage to floors and the development of mold and fungus;
- Yellow Zones - floods in these areas happen irregularly and are particularly hard to predict. It means that perfectly dry 500 years may be followed by floods happening 2-3 years in a row;
- Blue with Red Stripes Zone - these are considered to be the areas with the highest flood risk. Most of the time they are located in coastal areas, in lowlands, next to rivers, lands and other big water bodies. Flood control in these areas is almost all year round as even a minor change in temperature and rainfall can cause unpredictable flash flooding.
It is essential to remember that the fact that the last flood happened in your area over 100 years ago may equally mean that the flood risk is very low and that you may be hit by the disaster in the next few years. That is why it is essential to provide flood control for your house and be prepared instead of getting caught by an unpleasant surprise.
How to protect a house from flooding in advance.
Whether you are building a new house, living in your house for several years, or just bought the property, preparing it for floods is as essential as providing modern plumbing, electric system, air conditioning, etc.
Here are the essential flood control steps you need to take as soon as possible, regardless the level of flood risk in your district:
- Raise the building - just a 1-inch flooding can cause major damage to your house, which may not be initially dangerous for your life and health, but can harm you with time as mold and fungus that develop due to water damage are tremendous health hazards especially for young children and people with chronic respiratory diseases. Raising the foundation of your house will take some significant time and may cost you. However, if you estimate the cost of water damage and time you will waste drying your house after the flood each time, the money you spend on flood control is a smart investment in your property;
- Raise electrical switches and outlets - electrical shock is a much more frequent cause of injury and even death during flooding than drowning. raising the electric outlets and other communication at over 3-feet height will help you eliminate this danger;
- Maintain the Landscape - it is essential to take care of your house's surroundings regularly to make sure that grass, debris, fallen leaves, etc. will not contribute to the flood damage of your property. Clean the gutters regularly, remove fallen leaves and branches timely and make sure to clear snow at least 3 feet away from the building's foundation;
- Get flood barriers - a flood gate is the most efficient way to seal every passage of your house and prevent floodwater from entering the building and damaging your property. A flood gate is very easy to install and remove, does not require any special equipment or professional skills and don`t take much storage space, serving you for many years.
As you have noticed, the most efficient anti-flooding solutions that will protect your house for many years and give you peace of mind in case of the most severe flooding will require some time and effort. Except for the flood gate as you flood control kit will be delivered to you in a matter of several days.
Do you want to know more about modern flood control solutions and ways to protect your house or business from water? Contact Dam Easy today and discover modern products, adjustable flood barriers and other efficient devices to ensure your safety and wellbeing.
بوابة السد floodcontrol النهائي
دام ايسي ® بوابة السد ضد الفيضانات الفيضانات أصبحت أكثر انتشارا في جميع أنحاء العالممرة واحدة في القرن الماضي ، أصبح الاتجاه الموسمي الذي يجب على صاحب البيت هذا هو السبب في أنك بحاجة إلى هذا السد من… Read More