If you live in a waterfront home or an area at risk for flooding, it's important to be prepared. Having the right supplies on hand can make a big difference if your home is affected by a flood. Preparing ahead of time can help you minimize damage to your property and belongings and make the recovery process after a flood much easier. Here are some essential supplies every homeowner should have on hand in case of a flood.
A Sump Pump
A sump pump is a vital piece of equipment for any home at risk of flooding. This pump is installed in the lowest part of your home and helps remove water that has entered the property. If you don't have a sump pump, water can quickly build up in your home and cause significant damage.
A Generator
If your power goes out during flooding, having a backup generator can be a lifesaver. A generator can give you the power you need to run essential appliances and keep your lights on. This is especially important if you have family members who rely on medical equipment that needs to be powered.
A Flood Barrier
If you live in an area prone to flooding, having a flood barrier on hand can help protect your home. Flood barriers are typically made of sandbags or other materials that can be placed around the perimeter of your property to help keep water out. However, you can also purchase alternatives like the Flood Barrier Door Dam, which can be installed in under five minutes and doesn't take up anywhere near as much space as sandbags.
Shelf-Stable Food and Water
If a flood cuts off your access to fresh food and water, having canned goods and bottled water on hand can help you weather the storm. Be sure to stock up on non-perishable food items that don't require cooking and plenty of bottled water. You should also have a manual can opener on hand in case your power is out and you can't use an electric one.
First Aid Supplies
Having a well-stocked first aid kit is always a good idea, but it's especially important if you live in an area at risk of flooding. In addition to the basics like bandages and antiseptic cream, your first aid kit should also include supplies like gloves, eye wash, and a whistle. A whistle may seem like an odd addition, but it will come in handy if you need to evacuate your home during a flood and need to signal for help.
A Battery-Powered or Hand-Crank Radio
In the event of a flooding, it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest weather and news reports. A battery-powered or hand-crank radio is the perfect way to do this, as it doesn't require electricity to operate. If you choose a battery-powered radio, be sure to keep extra batteries on hand to keep it running even if the power is out for an extended period.
Flashlights and Lanterns
If a flood knocks out your power, having a few flashlights and lanterns on hand can be a lifesaver. Not only will they provide you with much-needed light, but they can also be used to signal for help if you need to evacuate your home. Be sure to keep extra batteries on hand to be prepared for any eventuality.
A Power Bank for Charging Your Cell Phone
Having a portable power bank on hand is always a good idea, but it's especially important if you live in an area at risk of flooding. This way, you can keep your cell phone charged without having to rely on wall outlets that likely won't work. Power banks are usually about the same size as a phone, so it's easy to throw one in a backpack with other flood supplies for when you need it.
Important Documents
If you need to evacuate your home quickly during a flood, it's important to have all of your important documents on hand. This includes things like your driver's license, passport, birth certificate, and insurance information. You can keep these items in a waterproof bag or container to help protect them from floodwater damage.
Pet Supplies
If you have pets, be sure to include them in your evacuation plans. Having a pet carrier on hand will make it easier to transport them to safety if you need to evacuate your home quickly. Be sure to also pack any essential items they may need, such as food, water, and vet documents.
Extra Cash
If a flood cuts off your access to ATMs and banks, having extra cash on hand can help you weather the storm. Be sure to keep small bills on hand so you can buy essentials like food and water. You may also want to consider keeping some larger bills in case you need to make an emergency purchase.
A Change of Clothes
If you need to evacuate your home quickly during a flood, it's important to have a change of clothes on hand. This way, you can avoid getting your clothes wet and ruined by floodwater. Be sure to pack a few basics like shirts, pants, and underwear so that you can stay comfortable if you're away from home for an extended period of time.
A Flood Kit
Putting together a flood kit is one of the best things you can do to prepare for a flood. This should include all of the essential supplies you'll need, including:
- Supplies listed above, like clean clothes, important documents, cash, etc.
- Medications
- Extra batteries
- Garbage bags
- Moist towelettes
- Dust masks
- A small toolkit
Keeping your kit in an easily accessible location will help you to grab it quickly if you need to evacuate your home.
Be Prepared for Floods in Your Area
Floods can happen anywhere at any time. It's important to be prepared in case of a flood by having all the necessary supplies on hand. By having these items ready to go ahead of time, you can potentially minimize the damage done by a flood and make the recovery process much easier. Have you put together your own flood kit? If not, now is the time to do so!
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