Why are Spring Floods so dangerous and how to prevent them?

Why are Spring Floods so dangerous and how to prevent them?

5 minute read

Spring is the time of a new beginning, warm weather, clear skies, and romance. Unfortunately, Spring Floods can turn one of the most beautiful seasons into a real tragedy.

Every year spring flooding leaves thousands of people homeless and destroys businesses and local economies. Statistically, over 40% of small businesses affected by spring flooding never manage to get back on the market under the burden of damage and losses. Over 20% of families who lost their homes and properties to floods admit that the disaster has divided their lives for "before" and "after."

Spring floods are the most destructive natural disaster and the most frequent cause of death due to weather conditions.

But floods happen worldwide and all year round. Last Autumn, massive flooding covered most of Europe. Winter floods are extremely destructive and affect upstate households and businesses. Not to mention storms, hurricanes, and floods that happen in Summer.

So what makes spring flooding so particularly dangerous> Why are there so much death and destruction caused by spring flooding?

In this article, we shall talk about the nature, origin, and outcomes of spring floods and how much can modern solutions like a home flood barrier help you protect your family and your property from disaster.

spring floods

What makes spring floods so special?

Spring flooding does not come along. Here are the things that distinguish spring flooding and make it particularly dangerous.

Heavy Rainfall - the change of temperatures leads to particularly strong precipitation during Spring. Those heavy rains are extremely dangerous as large masses of water fall on the soil, which may not have entirely de-iced yet. This water may not be able to absorb into frozen soil and stream directly to the closest water bodies, overflowing them;

Snowmelt - snow may start melting even from the slightest rise of temperature. At the same time, just like with heavy rainfall, the water from melted snow may not be able to absorb into the still-frozen soil entirely. That is why experts recommend installing a home flood barrier as soon as you realize that the temperatures start rising. It will help you protect your property from unexpected minor flooding that can lead to significant water damage.

Flash floods - when water cannot absorb into the frozen ground, it overflows local rivers, lakes, and other water bodies. It can happen in a matter of several hours and cause the most dangerous kind of spring floods - flash flooding. Such floods are highly unpredictable and particularly strong. In the Spring, flash floods often carry masses of debris, garbage, and other contaminants that may increase the damage and destruction from the flooding. 

Dam failures - while dams and other massive flood control solutions definitely protect thousands of people from floods and their severe consequences, they cannot provide a 100% guarantee of safety. Most of them were built several decades ago when the effect of global warming and climate change had not affected the frequency and severity of floods. Therefore, even if you live in an area secured from spring floods by a local dam or other flood control solutions, it is always best to get a home flood barrier to protect your property.

How to become "flood smart" in Spring?

So, it is pretty obvious that in the Spring, your risks to become a victim of massive destructive flooding are much higher. That is why it is always best to prepare yourself and your house for the disaster in advance.

Here is what you can do to ensure your safety during the upcoming spring flood season:

Start before you are ready - when you realize that the temperatures have started rising and the snow has started to melt, it may be too late already. The trick of preparing for the spring floods and ensuring your safety is starting to take measures before they become urgent. So, if you are reading this article, don't waste your time and start taking your first steps towards safety and security during the upcoming flood season.

Follow the warnings and recommendations - the next thing you want to do is to subscribe to the local newsletters and information spreadsheets that inform residents about the threat of spring flooding or any kind of natural disaster,

Inspect your building - the end of winter is the perfect time to go over your building and find out all the possible leaks and cracks that may let floodwater on your property. If the snow started letting already, you would instantly notice all the week spots and places that may need your particular attention and additional flood control solutions;

Shop for modern flood control - it is time to upgrade your flood control gear. Sandbags might have served you well throughout several springs, but floods are getting stringer and more unpredictable. A home flood barrier is an a simpler, more manageable, and much more efficient solution that will serve you for many years and help you withstand even severe 3-foot flooding or a flat spring flood.

It is up to you whether to sleep tight this winter and enjoy its beauty or stay constantly worried, alerted, and eventually have to deal with the threat and consequences of spring flooding.

Contact Dam Easy today and learn more about our flood barriers and other modern flood control products that will help you secure your house or business from the floodwater and enjoy safety and security no matter what the season brings. 

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate


DAM EASY® FLOOD GATE - DOOR DAM    Floods are becoming more common around the world. What was once a 100-year phenomenon is now a seasonal trend that homeowners must deal with.   That’s EXACTLY why you need this Dam Easy Flood… Read More

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