During the winter we hardly think about floods. It may seem that ice and snow protect our houses from flooding and give us a heads up to prepare for the snowmelt season properly. However, basement flooding caused by snowmelt is one of the most frequent issues almost every homeowner faces during the winter before the actual melting season starts.
Even if you live in a really cold area, the temperature can change during the day. Snow around your house can start meeting in the sun. At the same time, the ground remains frozen and does not soak the excessive water. That is why basement flooding caused by snowmelt is so frequent, and not every house is prepared for this problem correctly.
In this article, we shall talk about why basements get flooded during the winter so frequently and how you can prevent this notorious issue before it causes any severe water damage to your property.
Can flooding happen in winter?
Yes, floods are as possible in winter as they are during any other season. At the same time, we often appear not ready for flooding during the winter, and basements and garages are the first ones to get damaged by winter floods.
Snow melts and turns into water. In fact, 10 inches of snow produce +- 1 inch of water. Winter floods and basement flooding are so unpleasant also because, unlike heavy rainfall, the floodwater from snowmelt is already on the ground.
It means that it cannot be directed away with gutters or any other drainage devices. It is already there right at the entrance to your basement and garage. And if you don`t clear this excessive snow timely, just a slight temperature rise will instantly lead to basement flooding.
Why does basement flooding happen in winter so often?
As we have already mentioned, the biggest problem with basement flooding is that we often appear unprepared for them. People usually associate snowmelt floods with spring. An there is a reason for that. Spring has always been and will remain the official flooding season.
However, due to climate change and many other factors, temperatures are pretty unstable and unpredictable during the winter today. The average temperature can rise several degrees during the day, causing snowmelt and garage flooding while away from your house for several hours.
You may not even realize how your basement or garage got flooded in the first place.
Can Basement Flooding cause any severe problems?
Just like any flooding, snowmelt basement floods lead to water damage. Even the slightest water damage can lead to significant problems and even losses once not treated timely.
Here are the main problems with winter basement flooding:
- Mold - while most people may think that basement flooding in winter won`t lead to decay as it mostly prefers warm temperatures, once not treated on time, the water damage can quickly become an incubator for mold, fungus, and other destructive things once the temperatures rise;
- Property damage - once the floodwater touches an electric appliance or any other things stored in the basement, it can lead to severe injury and even loss of your belongings;
- Damage to the building - basement flooding in winter can let floodwater into your house. It can get into cracks in the walls and floor, freeze and unfreeze several times during the winter and worsen the existing structure flaws.
What to do with basement flooding from snowmelt?
Once the water gets into your basement, it is essential to dry it out as soon as possible. It is also a sign that snowmelt basement flooding is possible on your property, and therefore you need to prepare and prevent it from happening in the future.
- Keep snow and ice as far from your building and especially basement and garage doors as possible. Showel and clear it regularly and especially after a massive snowfall;
- Clear snow from the roof to prevent excessive water coming through gutters towards your basement or garage doors;
- Keep drainage around your house clear. It will help excessive water from snowmelt at least partly stream away from your basement even though it cannot soak in still-frozen soil;
- Check basement walls and floor for cracks and any other damage to prevent their worsening due to temperature changes during the winter and water damage;
- If the snow still hasn`t arrived, do your best to prepare your land for it. Arrange drainage and gutters that would drive melted water away from your house rather than flooding the basement
- Get flood barriers. Although flood barriers are considered a temporary anti-flooding solution, they are an ultimate lifesaver for those who have to deal with basement flooding in winter. It is always a great idea to install them and keep them intact throughout the winter-spring season to ensure that your basement is floodproof throughout the most challenging seasons.
Dam Easy Flood Barriers are easy to use and don`t take much storage space. Hundreds of homeowners worldwide have already protected their basements, garages, and houses from floods with our flood barriers and avoided losses and costly repairs due to water damage.
Contact Dam Easy right now and learn about flood barriers and other anti-flooding solutions for your house and business.
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