Whether you are on the market for a new house, plan to sell your estate, or build one, floods are probably one of your biggest concerns. Since over 90% of real estate on both sides of Atlantis has a certain level of flood damage, it is essential to understand how and why water affects the quality of the house itself, its value, and the life of people who choose to live in it.
In this article, we shall discuss how a flood can damage your house, what to expect from any kind of water impact, and how to protect your property.
How does flood damage my house?
The first thing people often want to know is whether any flooding can affect and devalue their houses or some flooding events can be ignored due to their low impact.
The fact is that all sorts of contact with water will affect the materials of your house one way or another. However, when we are talking about natural flooding, floods that happen due to heavy rainfall or snowmelt, it is essential to keep water off the house as much as possible. While the exterior materials are designed to withstand the elements and their effect, the floors, wallpaper, electric appliances, and interior of your house will be the primary victims of flood damage and the lion's share of your losses.
From this point, quality flood barriers for doors become an investment into the value of your property. But let's not go ahead of ourselves and see how exactly a flood can damage your property.
It is one of the most notorious and hard-to-deal-with effects of any water damage. Mold would happily develop in any dark and damp place. Once it appears, you may have to spend a lot of time, effort, and, of course, money to ensure that it will not spread all over, damaging the structure of your house and your belongings.
That is why mold is among the primary things and flood damage outcomes that devalue your property. Moreover, certain types of mold are dangerous for health. Especially when we talk about children, older people with respiratory diseases, or sensitivities. In other words, mold will affect not only the value of your real estate but your health and wellbeing. That is why you must get rid of it as soon as possible, even if you are not putting your house on the market.
The best strategy is, of course, to prevent its appearance. Flood barriers for doors will keep water outside and instantly prevent the most notorious flood damage and its consequence.
Damage to the electrical system
Another common issue that appears right after flooding is the damage to the electric system. That is why you may so often hear the "ironic" news that a house that has successfully passed flooding not so long ago suddenly burnt down in an unpredicted fire.
Damage to the electric system caused by flooding can also be dangerous if you choose to stay in the house during the disaster itself. Flood barriers for doors, which can also be installed on garage gates and basement passages, will keep water off the crucial electric knots in your house, preventing the most dangerous kind of flood damage.
Septic system damage
blocked with debris after the flooding or damaged by the raging water itself, the septic system often becomes the victim of flood damage that will affect your health and wellbeing. Once the well gets contaminated, the water you use in the house can become dangerous.
Damage to your belongings and electric appliance.
Most electric appliances like a water heater, fridge, or electric tools may damage beyond repair after the slightest contact with water. It is essential to keep water off every housing area to minimize the risks and damage.
While flood doors mainly protect the main living area and sandbags often turn out inefficient against massive flash floods, flood barriers for doors can be installed in any part of the house, adjusted for any passage, or even connected to create a secure dam around any object or construction.
How much does flood damage cost?
Statistically, a typical 2,500 square-foot home that goes through 6-inch flooding ends with at least $50,000 worth of flood damage.
It is important to remember that this pricing only covers the house's structure, building materials, etc. You should add to this the electric appliance, clothes, furniture, and other belongings that can be damaged beyond repair once floodwater gets into your house.
That is why if you want to take care of your property and minimize losses, keeping water off the interior is your #1 concern. Flood barriers for doors are designed precisely for this purpose and have already proven their efficiency in thousands of homes and businesses worldwide.
Contact Dam Easy today and learn more about our flood barriers for doors and other modern anti-flooding solutions.
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