How to Floodproof a Swimming Pool - Homeowner`s Guide

How to Floodproof a Swimming Pool - Homeowner`s Guide

4 minute read

Hey there! You know how unpredictable the weather has been lately, right? Floods, storms, and all that jazz can seriously mess up your pool. And while having a swimming pool may seem like all fun and games, it can be a pretty serious undertaking, which requires a lot of maintenance investment. But at the same time, a swimming pool does add to the value of your property. That is why it is so important to floodproof a swimming pool.

No worries, Dam Easy has got your back with some easy ways to keep your pool safe when the floods hit.

Why Water’s a Big Problem for Pools

Floodwater isn’t just water. It’s got all sorts of yucky stuff in it that wrecks your pool's balance. Plus, it can damage the pool’s insides and the area around it. Not cool!

Your pool’s a big deal, right? Protecting it means it lasts longer, and you won’t need to shell out big bucks for repairs. Plus, a damaged pool isn’t safe for anyone to use.

Not to mention the fact that once you decide to put your property on the market, the swimming pool should be an advantage that will boost the asking price rather than a problem that will sink it.

swimming pool flood barriers

In other words, if you are planning to keep your swimming pool, use it yourself, and see it as an investment in your property, it is vital to floodproof a swimming pool and make sure that floodwaters don't get anywhere around it.

How to Floodproof a Swimming Pool

Here are some super easy ways to protect your pool:

  1. Clean Those Drains: Make sure the drains and gutters are clear so water doesn’t overflow into your pool.
  2. Lower the Water a Bit: If heavy rain’s coming, lower the pool water level a bit to avoid overflow.
  3. Lift Up Your Gear: Raise your pool equipment so floodwater can’t mess it up.
  4. Sort Out Wires: Keep those electric wires safe and high to avoid any danger during floods.
  5. Flood Barriers: Have you ever thought about using barriers to keep floodwater away? Yes, while most people use them to seal door passages and gates, you can use them to protect outdoor construction and even a swimming pool! Just connect several flood barriers together using extension poles, and you will have a secure waterproof dike that will shield your precious pool from dirty floodwater. Flood barriers are like bodyguards for your pool. They stop floodwater from getting in, so your pool stays safe and sound.

Dam Easy Knows How to Floodproof a Swimming Pool

Here, at Dam Easy, we help home and business owners avoid losses and make sure their properties are safe and sound in the face of the most severe floods.

If you live in Florida, we have some great news for you. Dam Easy has established teams all over the state that come directly to our customers and help them make informed decisions about flood protection for their homes and businesses.

swimming pool flood barriers

Not sure how many flood barriers you may need and how to install them? I wonder if you will have to make any adjustments or wall reinforcements in order to get the most out of modern flood control. Have any questions left or do you want a team of professionals to tutor you and your family on how to install and remove flood barriers? We are here to help!

If we find out that your house needs some adjustments after all, we will send a team of certified professionals who will do the job fast and professionally and guarantee safety. From that point on, you will be able to enjoy 100% of the modern flood control Dam Easy has to offer!

If you don't live in Florida, contact us anyway. We will do our best to answer all your questions and help you protect your home and business from floods by floodproofing a swimming pool, outdoor kitchen, tool shed, garage, etc.

Wrapping It Up

Keeping your pool safe during floods is important, but no worries; we got your back. Contact Dam Easy today, and we will make sure that your swimming pool will not turn into a swampy problem and a money pit but will remain great value on your property.

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