Floodgates Failure - protect your house from floods

Floodgates Failure - protect your house from floods

5 minute read

The ongoing flood season in Australia promises to turn into an ultimate catastrophe for the continent this year. At the beginning of January, the city of Marlborough was evacuated due to a "catastrophic failure of floodgates" - the construction that was meant to hold floodwater away from the town.

After several days of heavy rainfall, the town, and especially its business center, has faced a danger of a catastrophic flood that may wipe hundreds of local households and businesses off. Needless to say, this flooding is an ultimate tragedy to the local community and the economy, as, even though local authorities are doing their best to prevent victims, it will definitely lead to the loss of hundreds of workplaces in the area.

Such events happen every year and in different parts of the world, leading to a logical conclusion. Some people rely entirely on local flood control plans and don`t even think about private anti-flooding solutions like removable floodgates.

This article will explain why it is essential to take care of your household or business privately, even if your local authorities have a sufficient flood control system in the area.

Flood defenses - How do they work, and what do they protect from?

Once your town is located in a floodplain area, the local authorities take some flood measures to prevent flooding or minimize its impact on the local economy.

For example, floodgates help regulate the water level in local rivers and keep excessive water from heavy rainfall or snowmelt off the coastal area. There are also dikes, dams, floodwalls, and much other different construction. 

Above all, local authorities will also provide sandbagging, removable flood barriers, and other flood control solutions that will help to endure the permanent constructions or help protect your house or business from flooding if the local flood defense won`t be enough.

floodgates failure

However, there are always certain disadvantages that may make your local flood defense less efficient. 

First of all, it is the price. The average cost of a 3-foot section of flood wall meant to keep seawater off the coast would cost around $10,000. Its constant maintenance may also appear pretty expensive for a local economy. Naturally, authorities may start looking for ways to "cut corners," which may often compromise the efficiency and safety of the flood control solution.

However, since any flood defense method from floodgates to a flood dam will significantly lower the level of erosion and water damage, the benefits of having centralized anti-flooding solutions in floodplain areas will always prevail on any cost and maintenance issues.

The environmental impact of flood defense

Floods are happening more and more often today, mainly due to climate change, global warming, and other factors directly resulting from environmental pollution.

Local anti-flooding solutions protect the economy and community from floods and serve as a guardian of the local environment. For example, the floodgates used in Cambodia also create a unique secular ecosystem that helps local endangered species of birds nest and thrive in floodplain areas without being affected by floods that hit the area more and more often.

However, the 2022 Australian flood threat shows that in some cases, even the most sophisticated and thought-through flood control method may fail to lead to massive losses and damage to the local households and economy.

To ensure that your home will remain your castle and won`t be washed off lite a straw hut, it is essential to take additional anti=-flooding measures.

How to protect your house from floods.

Flooding is the most destructive natural disaster in the world. And the most common one also. That is why no matter where you live, there is a big chance that you will have to deal with threats and consequences of flooding at some point.

Here are the essential rules that will help you remain safe and protect your property from water damage even if the local floodgates, dams, or floodwalls fail under the pressure of abnormal flooding.

  1. An emergency plan. Create a plan that will instruct every family or team member on what they are supposed to do in case of emergency, where will be the meeting point and how you will organize evacuation or a safe wait-out;
  2. Emergency Food Kit. Ensure that you have at least a 72-hour emergency food kit enough for all family or team members (including animals). Store the kit in a safe area, which is easy to access but remains safe from flooding;
  3. Documents and tools. Keep documents, cash money, and essential tools that you may need during the flooding away from water access. The same is true for medications and first aid kits.;
  4. Prepare the building. Clean all the gutters and drainage to ensure that as much water as possible will be driven away from your house. Find and seal all cracks and chips on the walls and doors. Get and install removable floodgates to provide additional protection for doors, garage gates, and basement passages.

floodgates dam easy

Forewarned is forearmed, and you cannot be "forewarned" too much when it comes to flooding. It is time to take flood warnings seriously and take your flood control solutions to a whole new level. 

Floods that you could only see in Hollywood movies became a gruesome reality for thousands of households and businesses worldwide last year. And 2022 promises to be even more "flood" than ever.

Even if your local authorities take sufficient measures to control flooding and prevent its impact, only you are responsible for your own property. You can provide protection that will consider all possible risks and fit your needs and expectations.

Contact Dam Easy today and learn about our floodgates and other anti-flooding solutions that have already helped hundreds of households and businesses around the globe to avoid dangers and losses caused by flooding.

Our floodgates will keep you safe and never sorry!

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate

Flood Barrier Door Dam - Ultimate Flood Gate


DAM EASY® FLOOD GATE - DOOR DAM    Floods are becoming more common around the world. What was once a 100-year phenomenon is now a seasonal trend that homeowners must deal with.   That’s EXACTLY why you need this Dam Easy Flood… Read More

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